Dircct gas chromatography with flame ionization detector was applied for the .Ictcrmination of higher alcohols in sugar cane potable spírits. All the 60 samples analysed contained n-propanol, isobutanol and isoamyl alcohol. Peak areas and responses rel ative to 2-pentanol as an internal standard were used to calculate concentrations of the individual alcohols. The concentration of n-propanol, isobutanol and isoamyl alcohol varied from 7.00, 6.40 and 19.60 to 65.20, 36.60 and 98.50 mg/100 ml of the sample, respectively.
A largo amount of n-propanol and n-butanol occurred ín inferior quality spirits j in some of thern 2-butanol and probably 2-methyl-2-butanol als o occurred.
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