Direct gas chromatography wíth flame íonízatíon detector was applied for the detection and determínation _of higher alcohols ín plum distilled splr its (sllvovitz) from Yugoslavia, ín grape distilled spírlts (pisco) from Chile and ín banana dístilled spirits from BraziL In all analysed samples n-propanol, isobutanol and Isoamylíc alcohols were found. In additíon, n-butanoI and 2-butanol were identified in all slivovitz samples and ín some pisco samples. Peak areas and responses relative to 2-pentanol as an internal standard were used to calculate rue concentratlon of the alcohols, The contents of n-propanoI, isobutanol and lsoamyl!c alcohols ín slívovítz samples varied from a minimum of 31.64; 14.20 and 38.10 to a maxímum of 56.80; 31. 20 and 78.80 mg/l00 ml respectívely. Jn pisco samplos the contents of those alcohols varied from 5.50; 9.40 and 33.40 to 18.50; 40.70 and 108.80 mg/l00 mI respectiveIy and ín banana spíríts the variation was from 5.20; 14.00 and 45.60 to 7.00; 15.92 and 56.04 mg/100 ml. All those results consídered, we ernphasize that the contents of n-propanol found ín alI slívovítz samples was higher than those found in grape and banana spirits, being also higher than the rcsults reported by several authors as to the contents...
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