The method is intended to provide for total retention and identification of the histological components or fruit [uíces and nectars, since in regular centrifugation and sedimentation methods, many of these elements are lost during the decantation of the aflot liquid. 162 samples were examined wíth the íollowing results: 157 of 97% of the samples presented the histological elements whích are characteristics of the fruit pulp, as declared by the product manufacturer. Out of these 157 samples, 15 or 9.9% were disapproved due to the presence of fungí and the remaining 142 or 90.1 % were approved, thus demonstrating the high quality of brazilian products.
2. ORGANIZACION PANAMERICANA DE LA SALUD - Normas sanitárias de alimentos. Panamá, O.P.S., 1965.
3. Winton, A.L. & Winton, K.B. - The structure and composition ot [oods, New York, John Wiley, 1935.
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