On the baceriological study of Salmonella typhi strains isolated during an epidemic outbreak of typhoid fever in São Paulo, Brazil
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Salmonella typhi
typhoid fever (São Paulo)

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Hofer E, Pessôa GV Álvares, Morais J de S de, Melles CE de A, Colnago EJ, Lacerda MD, Vilhena MI. On the baceriological study of Salmonella typhi strains isolated during an epidemic outbreak of typhoid fever in São Paulo, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1974 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];34(1-2):53-67. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/37058


From February to May 1972, 187 Salmonella typhi strains were isolated during an epidemic outbreak of typhoid fever in the São Paulo area. Such cultures were analysed from several standpoints such as a) serological, where they were classified as to the variation of Vi antigens; b) bíochernical, where fermentative types were established, based on the reactions with xylose and arabinose plus the investigations of tetrathionate reductase; c) sensibility to antibiotics; d) classification by Vi-phage typing. The results demonstrated a very unusual situation namely, the presence in an epidemic outbreak of typhoid fever. of three Vi-phage types: D6' E 1 a and A, plus 2 biochemicaI types which are considered to be inadequate for determínation with Vi Ir adapted phage types (Vi degraded strains and strains with no Vi antígens).

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