Copper contents in roasted and ground coffee and in coffee drink
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copper in coffee (roasted and ground) , determínation
copper in coffee (drínk), determinatian
coffee (roasted and ground), copper determínation
coffee (drínk), copper determination
atomic absorption spectrornetry, in determination of copper in coffee

How to Cite

Lara WH, Toledo M de, Takahashi MY. Copper contents in roasted and ground coffee and in coffee drink. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1975 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];35(1-2):17-22. Available from:


One hundred samples of roasted and ground coffee from different parts of Brazíl were analysed to determine their copper contents by the atomic absorption spectrornetríc method. Coffee drinks obtained from the samples were aIs o analysed. The results indicated an average copper contents of 17.26 p.p.m. for the coffee powder samples and 1.19 p.m.p, for the coífee drinks, Sinee the coffee drinks were prepared at 1:5 dilutíon of the correspondíng sample, those results indicate that 34.49% of the copper in the samples was extracted during the drink preparation. In 5% of the samples copper contents was below 10 p.p.m, Nearly all the copper in these samples was extracted when the coffee drinks were prepared. There was no relatíon between the copper contents in a sample and ín the drink prepared from it. When obtained by 1:5 dílutíon, the copper contents of the drink was of 1. O p.p.m. -+- 0.26.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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6. Ibid. p. 30.

7. PIKE, E.R.; GRAHAM, L.C. & FOGDEN, M. W. - An appraisal of toxic metal residue in the soils of a disused sewage farm. J. Ass. publ. Anal., 13: 1-42, 1975.
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Copyright (c) 1975 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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