Gas-liquid chromatography of fatty acids in cocoa butter from Brazil
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fatty acids, determination in cocoa butter by gasliquid chromatography
cocoa butter, fatty acids determínation by gas- liquid chromatography

How to Cite

Almeida MEW de, Nakano C, Badolato EG. Gas-liquid chromatography of fatty acids in cocoa butter from Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1975 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];35(1-2):81-9. Available from:


In order to establish the quality standards of the cocoa butter produced in Brazil the following deterrninations were made: acíd value, index of refraction, iodine absorption number, melting point, moísture and volatile matters, and unsaponifiable residues. The composition of the fatty acíds was also deterrnined, An adapta-
tion to the process of methylation through transesterification with sodíum methylate was made too. iMiethylic esters were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography with a flame ionization detector.
The follawing acíds were identified and determined: lauric, myristic palmitic, palmitoleic, estearic, oleic, linoleic, arachídíc, linolenic and behenic acids. Furtherrnore, another saturated fatty acid with 17 carbon atoms was also detected,
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