Bacterias in vegetables sold in the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil
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vegetables, microbial contaminants determination
vegetables, parasito contaminants determination

How to Cite

Gelli DS, Tachibana T, Oliveira IR de, Zamboni C de Q, Pacheco JA, Spiteri N. Bacterias in vegetables sold in the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1979 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];39(1):37-43. Available from:


Bacteriological examination was made of 125 samples of four vegetables grown in 18 locaties of the state of São Paulo which were collected in public markets of the city of São Paulo. Escherichia coli was iso la ted from 74% of ali samples. The germ was f'oun d in 54% of the 41 lettuce samples; in 77% of 35 samples of chickory, 89% of 26 samples of "rucula" (Brueeica sp.) and in 91% of wa ter cress. E. coli serotypes responsible for i nf'an ti le gastroenteritis were found in 5 samples wh ile no Salrn onella sp, was found. Enterococci were disclosed in ali 9 samples from each vegetable which were selected , Ancylostoma-like eggs andjor larvae were disclosed in 67 of 113 sarnples examined for parasítcs while 6 samples
yielded Strongyloides sp.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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