Quality of the water used in hemodialysis services before and after going through a treatment system in Santarém, Western Pará, Amazonia
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Renal Dialysis
Hemodialysis Units
Water Samples

How to Cite

Bentes V de S, Meschede MSC. Quality of the water used in hemodialysis services before and after going through a treatment system in Santarém, Western Pará, Amazonia. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];80:1-13,e37246. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/37246


The water used in hemodialysis services goes through a treatment system in order to ensure that the microbiological and physicochemical parameters are adequate and provide safety to the patient. This work evaluated the quality of water before and after it went through a treatment system in two hemodialysis services (A and B) in Santarém. Water samples were collected at three points: Point 1 (P1) after leaving the well, Point 2 (P2) leaving the treatment and Point 3 (P3) on the hemodialysis machine. Microbiological and physical-chemical tests were performed and the results showed no growth of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in the samples. In service A, there was contamination by heterotrophic bacteria in 87% of the samples, 27% of which occurred in P3. The pH was less than 6.0 in P1 in both services, normalizing its values in P3. Service A, concentrations higher than the recommended amount of aluminum and nitrate were verified in 100% of the samples collected in P1, the values were normalized at the end of the treatment (P2). The research demonstrated that, for the studied parameters, the water quality, after going through a treatment system, is satisfactory, with the exception of heterotrophic bacteria in service A.

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