Milk is an important source of high biological value proteins, vitamins and minerals, however, allergy or intolerance issues, and a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, have led its replacement by vegetables-based beverages. To evaluate weather this substitution is relevant; this study compared the labels of animal origin milk and the vegetable beverage available in the main supermarkets of Greater Vitória, ES. Fifty-six packages of cow and goat UHT milks, in their diferent versions, and 41 packages of vegetable beverages of peanuts, almonds, rice, oats, nuts, coconut, spelt, walnuts and soybeans were evaluated. The vegetable beverages presented, in general, the presence of fibers, higher content of unsaturated fatty acids and lower sodium content. Milks stood out due to the presence of cholesterol, higher protein intake, calcium and vitamins A and D. Vegetable beverages also presented higher amount of carbohydrates and higher caloric value. Therefore, if there is no restriction, whether for health, culture or habit reasons, it is not equivalent to replace milks vegetable beverages. However, the consumption of whole milk should be balanced due to its high content of saturated fats and sodium.
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