Popular diets, such as detox, appear all the time. However, few scientific data prove the efficacy and safety of these diets. This work evaluated labels of drinks based on fruits and vegetables and identified those that call detox. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out from September to October/2016. The portion size in the nutrition information and the claims found on the labels were analyzed in relation to the current legislation. Nutritional composition, total amount of ingredients and presence of food additives and other unusual ingredients in culinary preparations were compared between detox and ordinary drinks. Of 83 products analyzed, 9.6% (n=8) called detox. The nutritional composition and the average number of ingredients did not differ between detox drinks and ordinary drinks. Nutritional and health claims were present in 77.1% (n=64) of the products and 53.0% (n=44) presented claims not provided for in RDC nº 54/2012. The most frequent information was about the levels of micronutrients, sugars, sodium and fibers. The term detox, although not allowed, is found in this type of product in the Brazilian market. The results suggest that the term detox is used more as a marketing strategy than as a real claim of nutritional property.
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