Serological diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever, Pfeiffer’s disease)
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Silva M de B e. Serological diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever, Pfeiffer’s disease). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1941 Jan. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];1(1):160-8. Available from:


The A. made de Paul-Bunnell-Davidsohn agglutination test in 89 cases, and controled it with normal cases and several diseases as typhoid fever, rheumatic arthritis, gonococal arthritis, Hodgkin disease. In all these cases the agglutination was negative. The titer 1:56 was obtained in 28%. The second part of the reaction showed also a specific behaviour in normal cases. Ox erythrocytes absorbed in medium 50% of the agglutinins, and the guinea-pig kidney 100%. Out of the 26 cases of Infectious Mononucleosis, the A. has obtained, in the first part of the test, 21 positive reactions, 19 of which in accordance with the clinical and haematological diagnosis, and 2 of them in accordance with the clínical results only. The three others were negative to the agglutination test, therefore in disaccordance with the clinical and haematological results, which were positive. In the second phase, the A. did not try the reaction in three cases, as they were negative in the first phase (1:7 - 1:14) and, in five others, becàuse the serum was not sufficient. In the other cases he observed a specific behaviour of the agglutinins to lnfectious Mononucleosis (incomplete absorption by guinea-pig kidney and total absorption by ox erythrocytes), except for 8 cases in which he verified total absorption by the 2 antigens. The A. believes that there may be yet undetermined causes which hinder the specific function af the second part of the reaction. In an Actinomycosis case a positive agglutination test 1:448 was obtained. By the performed examinations he thinks that this is due to a failure in the reaction. The A. thinks that the reaction is a very good diagnostical factor aside the clínical and haematological results, and that it may be useful in atypical cases. Final1y, he preconizes its use among us.
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