217 samples of four kinds of spices: 48 of cloves, 55 of anise, 57 of cassia and 57 of cumin acquired in Sao Paulo, Brazil trade, were examined for adulteration and for filth detection, from 1986 to 1989. Microscopical examination showed that 112samples (51,61%) were disagreeing with Brazilian Legislation: 95 (84,82%) were adulterated with starch or with spices of other kinds; 34 (30,35%) contained sand or soil; 10 (8,93%) were adulterated with mycelia filaments and 6 (5,36%) contained insects or mites. Ground spices were more adulterated (30,87%) than whole spices (19,82%) and ground cumin were more adulterated than the others ground spices (52,63%). Whole anise were more adulterated than the others whole spices (65,45%).
1. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14th ed. Washington, D.C., A.O.A.C., 1984. p.899 (Tec. 44.049).
2. BRASIL. Leis, decretos, etc. - Resolução no 12/78 da Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 24 jul. 1978. Seção I, pt. 1, p. 11521-5. Aprova Normas Técnicas Especiais, do Estado de São Paulo, relativas a alimentos (e bebidas).
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4. PEARSON, D. ed. - The chemical analysis of foods. 6th ed. London Churchill, 1970. p.302-31.
5. SÃO PAULO. Leis, decretos, etc. - Decreto no 12.486, de 20 de outubro de 1978. Diário Oficial, São Paulo, 21 out. 1978, p. 32 (NTA 70). Aprova Normas Técnicas Especiais Relativas a Alimentação e Bebidas.
6. SILVEIRA, N.V.V., ZAMBONI, C.Q. & TAKAHASHI, M.Y. - Fraudes da pimenta do reino preta (Piper nigrum), moída. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 43(1/2), 69-79, 1983.
7. WALLIS, T.E. - Microscopia analítica: sus fines y metodos en relacion a los alimentos, água, especiais y medicamentos; trad. Por J.G. Berengerer. Zaragoza, Acribia, 1968.p.133-4.
8. Id. ibid., p. 166-8.
9. WINTON, A.L. &WINTON, K.B. – The structure and composition of foods. New York, John Wiley, 1939.p.177-459.
10. ZAMBONI, C.Q. coord. - Manual de análise microscópica de alimentos. São Paulo,
p.30-2 (apostila mimeografada).
11. Id., ibid., p. 52-3.
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