Hygienic-Sanitary Conditions of Hospital Nutrition Services in Southern Brazil
PDF (Português (Brasil))

Palabras clave

food hygiene
food handling
quality control
food service hospital

Cómo citar

Faccioli LS, Serafim AL, Strasburg VJ, Venzke JG. Hygienic-Sanitary Conditions of Hospital Nutrition Services in Southern Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 30 de diciembre de 2020 [citado 22 de julio de 2024];79(1):1-7. Disponible en: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36163


This study evaluated the good handling practices in the ten Hospital Nutrition Services of the
respective hospitals in the South of Brazil, classified as general hospitals. For data collection, there
was used a Checklist for Good Handling Practices for Food Services based on current legislation.
Among the results, the average of adequacy of the hospitals stand out, showing that the items related
to responsibilities and edifications had the lowest adequacies, 67% and 73%, respectively, followed
by the food handler block, with 76% of adequacies. The block referring to food handlers showed
that few of them sanitize the hands during the change of activity. The classification of hospitals in
relation to Good Handling Practices was satisfactory, however, greater failure was observed related
to the practices of the food handlers, which are crucial for the safety of food produced in Hospital
Nutrition Services.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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