Em experiências com ovos embrionados de galinha e em linhagem contínua de sistema celular de rim humano, foi demonstrada a ação inibidora de glicerofosfato de ferro sôbre amostras de poxvírus.
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4. EATON, M. D. ,& SCALA, A. R. - Jnhíbítory effeet or glutamíne and ammonía on replícatíon of influenza vírus ín ascitis tumor cel ls, v irotosn), 13: 300--307, 1961.
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11. PAPPENHE1MER JUN., A. M.; MILLER, P. A. & MASAH1KO, Y. - Kineties or diphtheria toxin formation. J. Gen, Microbiol., 28:531-9, 1962.
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19. YONEDA, M. - A new culture method desígned for kinetic studies on diphtherla toxín produetion. Brit, J. Exp. Path., 38:190-3, 1957.
2. BA WDEN, F. C. ,& PIR1E, N. W. - The infeetivity and inactivation of nucleie aeid preparations from tobacco mosaie vírus. J. Gen. Microbiol., 21: 438-53, 1959.
3. CHR1STENSEN, P. E. - Studies on toxígenieity in G. diphtheriae. Acta Páth: Microbiol. Soanâ., 41:56-66, 1957.
4. EATON, M. D. ,& SCALA, A. R. - Jnhíbítory effeet or glutamíne and ammonía on replícatíon of influenza vírus ín ascitis tumor cel ls, v irotosn), 13: 300--307, 1961.
5. IIERRMANN JR., E. C. ,& ROSSELET, J. P. - Method for detecting antiviral agents on paper ehromatograms. Proc. Soc, Exp. Biol. Med.; 104:304-9, 1960.
6. JANOFF, A. ,& ZWE1FACH, B. W. - rnactívat.íon or baeterial exotoxins and endotoxin by íron, J, Exp. ue«, 112:2334, 1960.
7. KAUFMAN, H. E. & MALONEY, E. D. Therapeutie antí-víraí activity in tíssue culture. Proc, Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 112: 4-7, 1963.
8. LABORIT, H. & LABOR1T, G. - Excí tabilité neuro-musculaír et equilibre Joníque. Paris, Masson, 1955.
9. LINDENlVIANN, J. ,& GIFFORD, G. E. Studies on vaccinia vírus plaque formatíon and its Inhítiítíon by ínterreron. 1. Dynamics of plaque formation by vaccínía virus. Vi1'ology, 19 :283-93, 1963.
10. NORTH, C. P.; WALLACE, A.; RYAN, G. F. ,& MUELLER, R. T. - Amel íora tton ot virus symptoms ín Camellia with iron.
Virology, 8:131-7, 1959.
11. PAPPENHE1MER JUN., A. M.; MILLER, P. A. & MASAH1KO, Y. - Kineties or diphtheria toxin formation. J. Gen, Microbiol., 28:531-9, 1962.
12. PUCK, T. T.; GAREN, A. ,& CL1NE, J. The mechanísm or vírus attaehment to host eells. 1. The role or ions in the primary reactíon. J. Exp. Med., 93: 65-88, 1951.
13. RIBEIRO DO VALLE, L. A.; MELO, P. R.; GOMES, L. F. S. & PROENÇA, L. M. - lVIethisazone in preventíon of vario Ia mínor among contaets. Lancet, 2:976, 9, 1965.
14. SINGER, B. ,& FRAENKEL-CONRAT, H. Effeets ot light ín the presence of íron salts on ribonucleic acíd and modeí
compounds, Biochemistry, 4: 226, 1965,
15. TAKEMOTO, K. K. & FAB1SCH, P. - Inhíbition or herpes vírus by natural and synthetic aeid polysacchartdes. P1'OC,
soc. Exp. Biol. Med, 116 :140-4, 1964.
16. VAHERI, A. ,& CANTELL, C. - The effeet of heparín on herpes símplex vírus, Virotoou, 21:661-2, 1963.
17. WARREN, J.; NEAL, A. ,& RENNELS, D. Adsorption of myxovíruses on magnetic iron oxides. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, Med.,
121:1250-3, 1966.
18. WEINBERG, E. D. - Roles of metallic íons in host-parasíte ínteractíons. Bact, Rev., 30: 136-51, 1966,
19. YONEDA, M. - A new culture method desígned for kinetic studies on diphtherla toxín produetion. Brit, J. Exp. Path., 38:190-3, 1957.
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