Leprosy reaction and immune reconstitution syndrome in AIDS
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Moritz TB, Ribeiro LME, Piñeiro MJ, Feijó BP, Leide W. de OM. Leprosy reaction and immune reconstitution syndrome in AIDS. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 30º de junho de 2008 [citado 9º de março de 2025];33(1):25-33. Disponível em: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/35176


The authors report seven cases of borderline leprosy in AIDS patients whose presentation form was of a type I reaction diagnosed soon HAART introduction, which led to the discussion of the immunological aspects involved in the reaction to leprosy and the immune reconstitution syndrome. The patients were in frank AIDS-induced immune deterioration, which was the reason they met the criteria to initiate HAART treatment. It is likely that due to this fact, the amount of CD4 cells increased at the same time that a reduction of the viral load occurred, allowing the installation of a basically Th1 immunological profile. Therefore, the leprosy infection, which was dormant and unable to express itself was exteriorized in the form of a reverse reaction.

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