Testicular alterations in hansen's disease
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Hansen's disease

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ARRUDA H, CEDENHO A, ARRUDA L. Testicular alterations in hansen’s disease. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 30º de novembro de 1991 [citado 14º de março de 2025];16(1/2):35-43. Disponível em: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/35229


Fifty testicular specimens and seminal fluid of 10 normal individuals and 24 patients with Hansen's disease were studied. General and early histological alterations, the frequency of young spermatides in tubular lumen and the measure of the diameters of 1.450 seminiferous tubules were checked. According to the results, it was not possible to establish a qualifying correlation within histological descriptions and/or a quantifying correlation within morphometry from a specific clinical group with Hansen's disease. Thus, the simultany and the variability of the findings seen in a same testis are opposite to the evolving phases described by Grabstald and Swan and to the classification presented by Kumar. The authors suggest that the testicular alterations be a consequence of an auto- aggression to the gland.

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