Water soluble palmitic acid in media for cultivation of leprosy derived psychrophilic mycobacteria from mycobacterium leprae infected tissues
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Bacteriology of leprosy
Mycobacterium leprae
palmitic acid
Mitsuda reaction

Como Citar

Kato L. Water soluble palmitic acid in media for cultivation of leprosy derived psychrophilic mycobacteria from mycobacterium leprae infected tissues. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 30º de junho de 1994 [citado 28º de janeiro de 2025];19(1):17-2. Disponível em: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/35459


Cultivation trials for Mycobacterium leprae resulted in growth of Mycobacterium psychrophilum (L). Media were inoculated with host grown Mycobacterium leprae cells from armadillo tissues, Nu mice foot pads or human lepromata. Cultures were obtained in liquid and on semisolid multifactoria I media containing water soluble palmitic acid or its salts. Ammonium thioglycolate and Na palmitate served as carbon and energy sources. The watersoluble palmitic acid remained in perfect solution following sterilization in the autoclave, thus easily accessible to the cells. The cyclodextrin-Fe complex served asa siderophore to grow the obtained leprosy derived psychrophilic cells. The leprosy derived cultures and subcultures grew optimally at 4-10°C, but deteriorated rapidly at +32°C in the multifactorial media. No growth occurred in 7H9 media. Cultures were not identified for classification. Note: Water soluble palmitic acid culture media are available from this author free of charge for qualified investigators.

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