In vitro effect of Mycobacterium Leprae suspensions on the polymorphonuclear neutrophiles function of hanseníasis patients to candida albicans and Candida pseudotropicalis
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Mycobacterium leprae
Candida albicans
Candida pseudotropicalis

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FLIESS EL, FRANCESCHINI G, ORTIZ MC. In vitro effect of Mycobacterium Leprae suspensions on the polymorphonuclear neutrophiles function of hanseníasis patients to candida albicans and Candida pseudotropicalis. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 30º de novembro de 1984 [citado 14º de março de 2025];9(1/2):3-9. Disponível em:


The in vitro effect of Mycobacterium Ieprae suspensions on the PMN hability to phagocyting and killing Candida albicans and Candida pseudotropicalls was studied in forty-five patients of Hansen's disease and in fifteen healthy controls. Our results show no significative differences between the different studied groups, both for the phagocytosis and for the lysis of yeasts. There was no significant changes in the mean values of these functions after previous or simultaneously incubation with Mycobacterium Ieprae suspensions. Those observations confirmed that there are not alterations in the enzimatic battery of PMN in Hansen's disease patients and that the Mycobacterium Ieprae presence does not exert stimulating effect on this in vitro model.
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