Les névrites microangiopathiques dans la lèpre


Hansenic neuritis
Microangiopathic neuritis
Microangiopathy Erythema nodosum hansenicum
Borderline hanseniasis

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CARAYON A. Les névrites microangiopathiques dans la lèpre. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 30º de junho de 1977 [citado 9º de março de 2025];2(1):15-23. Disponível em: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/35654


Besides the typical hansenic neuritis characterized by a hypertrophic nerve associated with the already well known wide range of neural impairment, there are also microangiopathic lesions. Microangiopathic neuritis have been described by the author together with Camain and Maydat, in borderline and reactional (E.N.L.) cases (1966-1969). From the author's observations in the years 1970-1976, primary and secondary, acute and slow varieties of microangiopathic neuritis could be identified and systematized, both in borderline and E.N.L. cases. The clinical, immunological, pathological and therapeutical aspects of these microangiopathic neuritis are presented.



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