Eliminação da Hanseníase

Como Citar

Noordeen SK. Eliminação da Hanseníase. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 30º de junho de 1998 [citado 12º de março de 2025];23(Especial):7-13. Disponível em: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/35906





1. JI, B., Drug Resistance in Leprosy - A Review, Lep. Rev. 1985; 56; 265-278
2. Chemotherapy of Leprosy for Control Program- mes. Report of a WHO Study Group, WHO Technical Report Series, TRS 675, 1982.
3. Risk of Relapse in Leprosy WHO/CTD/LEP/94.
4. WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record, N. 20, 1996, pp 149-156.
5. Elimination of Leprosy - Questions and Answers. WHO/LEP/96.4.
6. Report of the International Conference on Elimination of Leprosy as a Public Health Problem. Hanoi, Viet Nam, July 1994. WHO/CTD/LEP/94.5.
7. Report of the Second International Conference on Elimination of Leprosy, New Delhi, India, October 1994.WHO/LEP/96.9.

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