A única vacina contra a hanseníase já aprovada para uso humano é o uso de Mycobacterium bovis BCG, utilizada primariamente contra a tuberculose. Entretanto, a eficácia desta vacina contra a hanseníase é bastante variável na literatura científica. Desta forma, a pesquisa de outras vacinas com resultados mais reprodutíveis permanece. Neste artigo, revemos as vacinas já desenvolvidas contra a hanseníase e os possíveis novos desenvolvimentos que podem aparecer. Discutimos também a utilização de outras micobactérias, M. leprae inativado, antígenos recombinantes, DNA e mecanismos de modificação da apresentação antigênica.
1. BAPAT, C.V., MODAK, M.S. Growth of ICRC bacilli in footpad of mice. Leprosy India, v.50, p.144-155, 1978.
2. BOOTH, R.J., HARRIS, D.P., LOVE, J.M. et al. Antigenic proteins of Mycobacterium leprae: complete sequence of the gene for the 18kDa protein. J. Immunol, v.140, p.597-601, 1988.
3. CONVIT, J., ARANZAZU, N., ULRICH, M. Immunological changes observed in indeterminate and lepromatous leprosy patients and Mitsudanegative
contacts after the innoculation of a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG. Clin. Exp. Immunol, v.36, p. 214-220. 1979.
4. CONVIT, J., ARANZAZU, N., ULRICH, M. et al. Immunotherapy with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG in different forms of leprosy and in Mitsuda-negative contacts. Int. J. Leprosy, v.50, p. 415-424, 1982.
5. CONVIT, J., ARANZAZU, N., ULRICH, M. et al Investigations related to the development of a leprosy vaccine. Int. J. Leprosy, v.51, p.531-539, 1983.
6. CONVIT, J., ULRICH, M., ARANZAZU, N. et al. The development of a vaccination model using two organisms and its application in leprosy and
leishmaniasis. Leprosy Rev., v.57, p.263-273, 1986.
7. CONVIT, J., SAMPSON, C.,ZUÑIGA, M. et al. Immunoprophylat i c t r ial wi th combinad Mycobacterium leprae/BCG vaccine against leprosy: preliminary results. Lancet, v.339, p.446-450, 1992.
8. DEO, M.G., BAPAT, C.V., BHALERAO, V. et al. Antileprosy potentials of the ICRC vaccine: a study in patients and health volunteers. Int. J. Leprosy, v. 51, p.540-549, 1984.
9. FINE, P.E.M., PONNIGHAUS, J.M., MAINE, N.P. The relat ionship between delayed t ype hypersensitivity and protective immunity induced by mycobacterial vaccines in man. Leprosy Repr., v.57 (supl. 2), p.275-283, 1986.
10. FINE, P.E.M., RODRIGUEZ, L.C. Modern vaccines: mycobacterial diseases. Lancet, v.335, p.1016-1020, 1990.
11. GELBER, R.H., BRENNAN, P.)., HUNTER, S.W. Effective vaccination of mice against leprosy with subunits of Mycobacterium leprae. Inf. Immun., v.58, p.711-718, 1990.
12. GELBER, R.H., MURRAY, L.P., SIU, P. et al. Vaccination of mice with a soluble protein fracion of Mycobacterium leprae provides consistent and long-term protection against M.leprae infection. Inf. Immun. v.60, p.1840-1844, 1992.
13. GELBER, R.H., MEHRA, V., BLOOM, B. et al. Vaccination with pure Mycobacterium leprae proteins inhibits M. leprae multiplication in mouse footpads. Inf Immun., v.62, p.4250-4255, 1994.
14. GELBER, R.H., HUNTER, S.W., MURRAY, L.P. et al. Effective vaccination of mice against Mycobacterium leprae with density gradients subfractions of soluble M. leprae proteins: clues to effective proteins epitopes. Leprosy Rev., v.65, p.175-180, 1994.
15. GILL, H.K., MUSTAFA, A.S., GODAL, T. Induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity in human volunteers immunized with a candidate leprosy vaccine consisting of killed Mycobacterium leprae. Bull. WHO, v.64, p.121-126, 1986.
16. GILL, H.K., MUSTAFA, A.S., GODAL, T. Vaccination of human volunteers with heat killed M. leprae: local responses in relation to the interpretation of the lepromin reaction. Int. J. Leprosy, v. 56, p.36-44, 1988.
17. GUPTE, M.D. Vaccines against leprosy. Indian J. Leprosy, v.63, p.342-349, 1991.
18. GUPTE, M.D. , ANATHARAMAN, D.S. , LOURDURAJ, R. et al. Sensitization potential and reactogenicity of BCG with and without various doses of killed Mycobacterium leprae. Int. J. Leprosy., v.60, p.340-352, 1992.
19. HANKS, J.H., FERNANDEZ, J.M.M. Enhancement of resistance of murine leprosy by BCG plus specific antigen. Int. J. Leprosy, v.24, p.65-73, 1956.
20. KAWAGUCHI, Y. Superinfection with leprosy bacilli in mice. Int. J. Leprosy, v.40, p.91-92, 1972.
21. KIRCHHEIMER, W.F. , SANCHEZ, R.M. , SHANNON, E.J. Effect of specific vaccine on cell-mediated immunity in armadillos agaainst M. leprae. Int. J. Leprosy, v.46, p.353-363, 1978.
22. LEVY, L. Superinfection im mice previously infected with Mycobacterium leprae. Inf. Immun., v.11, p.1094-1099, 1975.
23. LOWRIE, D.B., TASCON, R.E., COLSTON, M.J. et al. Towards a DNA vaccine against tuberculosis. Vaccine, v.12, p.1537-1540, 1994.
24. MEHRA, V.L., BLOOM, B.R. Induction of cell mediated immunity to Mycobacterium leprae in guinea pigs. Inf. Immun., v.23, p.787-794, 1979.
25. MEHRA, V.L., SALGAME, R, SNAPPER, S.B. et al. Vaccines against leprosy. In: PLATKIN, S.A., MORTIMER JR., E.A., eds. Vaccines. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1988.
26. PATEL, R. J., LEFFORD, M.J. Induction of cellmediated immunity to Mycobacterium leprae in mice. Inf. Immun., v.19. p.87-93, 1978.
27. PÕNNINGHAUS, J.M., FINE, P.E.M. Sensitization s tudies wi th potent ial leprosy vaccine preparations in Northern Malawi. Int. J. Leprosy, v.54, p.25 37, 1986.
28. PÖNNINGHAUS, J.M., FINE, P.E.M., STERNE, J.A.C. et al. Efficacy of BCG vaccine against leprosy and tuberculosis in Northern Malawi. Lancet, v.339, p.636-639, 1992.
29. REDDI, P.P., AMIN, A.G., KHAANDEKAR, P.S. Molecular definition of unique species status of Mycobacterium w a candidate leprosy vaccine strain. Int. J. Leprosy, v.62, p.229-236, 1994.
30. REES, J.F.W. Limited multiplication of acid-fast bacilli in the foot pads of mice inoculated with Mycobacterium Leprae. Br. J. Exp. Pathol., v.45, p. 207-216, 1964.
31. REES, J.F.W. Enhanced susceptibility pf thymectomized and irradiated mice to infection of Mycobacterium leprae. Nature, v.211, p.657-658, 1966.
32. RODRIGUES, M.L.O. et al. Protective effect of intradermal BCG against leprosy: a case-control study in central Brazil. Int. J. Leprosy, v.60, p.335 - 339, 1992.
33. SAMUEL, N.M., STANFORD, J.L., REES, R.J.W. et al. Human vaccination studies on normal and contacts of leprosy patient. Indian J. Leprosy, v.56, p.36-47, 1984.
34. SAXENA, V.K., SINGH, U.S., SINGH, A.K. Bacteriological study of a rapidly growing strain of Mycobacterium. Leprosy India, v.50, p.588-596, 1978.
35. SHEPARD, C.C. The experimental disease that follows the injection of human leprosy bacilli into foot-pads of mice. J. Exp. Med., v.112. p.445-454, 1960.
36. SHEPARD, C.C. Acid-fast bacilli in nasal excretions in leprosy and result of inoculation of mice. Am. J. Hyg., v.71. p.147-157, 1960b.
37. SHEPARD, C.C. Vaccination against experimental infection with Mycobacterium Leprae. Am. J. Epidemiol., v.81, p.150-163, 1965.
38. SHEPARD, C.C., RIBI, E. Cell walls from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (BCG) as a vaccine against Mycobacterium Leprae infection in mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., v.127, p.517-521, 1968.
39. SHEPARD, C.C., VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V., WALKER, L. Immunity to Mycobacterium leprae infections in mice stimulated by M.leprae, BCG and graft- versus - host reactions. Inf. Immun., v.14, p.919-928, 1976.
40 . SHEPARD, C.C. , WALKER, L . L . , VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V. Immunity to Mycobacterium leprae infections induced in mice by BCG vaccination at different times before or after challenge. Inf. Immun., v.19, p.391-394, 1978.
41. SHEPARD, C.C. WALKER, L . L . , VAN L ANDIGHAM, R.V . He a t s t a b i l i t y o f Mycobacterium leprae immunogenicity. Inf. Immun., v.22, p.87-93, 1978.
42. SHEPARD, C.C., VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V., WALKER, L. Searches among mycobacterial cultures for antileprosy vaccines. Inf. Immun., v.29, p.1034-1039, 1980.
43. SHEPARD, C.C., DRAPER, P., REES, R.J.W. et al. Effect of purification steps on the immunogenicity of Mycobacterium Leprae. Br. J. Exp. Pathol., v.61, p.376-379, 1980.
44. SHEPARD, C.C. , MINAGAWA, F. , VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V. et al. Foot pad enlargement a s a meas u re of in duc ed immu ni t y to Mycobacterium leprae. Int. J. Leprosy, v.48, p.371-381, 1980.
45. SILVA, C.L., PALÁCIOS, A., COLSTON, M.J. et al. Mycobacterium leprae 65hsp antigen expressed from a retroviral vector in a macrophage cell line is presented to T cells in association with MHC class II in addition to MHC class I. Microb. Pathogen., v.12, p.27-38, 1992.
46. SINGH, N.B., LOWE, C.R.E., REES, R.J.W. et al. Vaccination of mice against Mycobacterium Leprae infection. Inf. Immun., v.57, p.653-655. 1989.
47. SMELT. A.H.M., REES, R.J.W., LIEW, F.Y. Induction of delayed type hypersensitivity to Mycobacterium leprae in healthy individuals. Clin. Exp. Immunol, v.44, p.501-506, 1981.
48. STOVER, C.K., DE LA CRUZ, V.F., BANSAL, G.P. et al. Use of recombinant BCG as a vaccine delivery vaccine. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., v.327, p.175 -182, 1992.
49. TALWAR, G.P., ZAHEER, S.A., MUKHERJEE, R. et al. Immunotherapeutic effects of a vaccine based on a saprophytic cultivable mycobacterium, Mycobacterium w, in multibacillary patients. Vaccine, v.8, p.121-129, 1990.
50.VON SONNTAG, C. The chemical basis of radiation biology. London: Taylor & Francis, 1987.
51.WALES, A., KUSEL, J.R. Biochemistry of irradiated parasite vaccines: suggested models for their mode of action. Parasit. Today, v.8, p.358-363, 1992.
2. BOOTH, R.J., HARRIS, D.P., LOVE, J.M. et al. Antigenic proteins of Mycobacterium leprae: complete sequence of the gene for the 18kDa protein. J. Immunol, v.140, p.597-601, 1988.
3. CONVIT, J., ARANZAZU, N., ULRICH, M. Immunological changes observed in indeterminate and lepromatous leprosy patients and Mitsudanegative
contacts after the innoculation of a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG. Clin. Exp. Immunol, v.36, p. 214-220. 1979.
4. CONVIT, J., ARANZAZU, N., ULRICH, M. et al. Immunotherapy with a mixture of Mycobacterium leprae and BCG in different forms of leprosy and in Mitsuda-negative contacts. Int. J. Leprosy, v.50, p. 415-424, 1982.
5. CONVIT, J., ARANZAZU, N., ULRICH, M. et al Investigations related to the development of a leprosy vaccine. Int. J. Leprosy, v.51, p.531-539, 1983.
6. CONVIT, J., ULRICH, M., ARANZAZU, N. et al. The development of a vaccination model using two organisms and its application in leprosy and
leishmaniasis. Leprosy Rev., v.57, p.263-273, 1986.
7. CONVIT, J., SAMPSON, C.,ZUÑIGA, M. et al. Immunoprophylat i c t r ial wi th combinad Mycobacterium leprae/BCG vaccine against leprosy: preliminary results. Lancet, v.339, p.446-450, 1992.
8. DEO, M.G., BAPAT, C.V., BHALERAO, V. et al. Antileprosy potentials of the ICRC vaccine: a study in patients and health volunteers. Int. J. Leprosy, v. 51, p.540-549, 1984.
9. FINE, P.E.M., PONNIGHAUS, J.M., MAINE, N.P. The relat ionship between delayed t ype hypersensitivity and protective immunity induced by mycobacterial vaccines in man. Leprosy Repr., v.57 (supl. 2), p.275-283, 1986.
10. FINE, P.E.M., RODRIGUEZ, L.C. Modern vaccines: mycobacterial diseases. Lancet, v.335, p.1016-1020, 1990.
11. GELBER, R.H., BRENNAN, P.)., HUNTER, S.W. Effective vaccination of mice against leprosy with subunits of Mycobacterium leprae. Inf. Immun., v.58, p.711-718, 1990.
12. GELBER, R.H., MURRAY, L.P., SIU, P. et al. Vaccination of mice with a soluble protein fracion of Mycobacterium leprae provides consistent and long-term protection against M.leprae infection. Inf. Immun. v.60, p.1840-1844, 1992.
13. GELBER, R.H., MEHRA, V., BLOOM, B. et al. Vaccination with pure Mycobacterium leprae proteins inhibits M. leprae multiplication in mouse footpads. Inf Immun., v.62, p.4250-4255, 1994.
14. GELBER, R.H., HUNTER, S.W., MURRAY, L.P. et al. Effective vaccination of mice against Mycobacterium leprae with density gradients subfractions of soluble M. leprae proteins: clues to effective proteins epitopes. Leprosy Rev., v.65, p.175-180, 1994.
15. GILL, H.K., MUSTAFA, A.S., GODAL, T. Induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity in human volunteers immunized with a candidate leprosy vaccine consisting of killed Mycobacterium leprae. Bull. WHO, v.64, p.121-126, 1986.
16. GILL, H.K., MUSTAFA, A.S., GODAL, T. Vaccination of human volunteers with heat killed M. leprae: local responses in relation to the interpretation of the lepromin reaction. Int. J. Leprosy, v. 56, p.36-44, 1988.
17. GUPTE, M.D. Vaccines against leprosy. Indian J. Leprosy, v.63, p.342-349, 1991.
18. GUPTE, M.D. , ANATHARAMAN, D.S. , LOURDURAJ, R. et al. Sensitization potential and reactogenicity of BCG with and without various doses of killed Mycobacterium leprae. Int. J. Leprosy., v.60, p.340-352, 1992.
19. HANKS, J.H., FERNANDEZ, J.M.M. Enhancement of resistance of murine leprosy by BCG plus specific antigen. Int. J. Leprosy, v.24, p.65-73, 1956.
20. KAWAGUCHI, Y. Superinfection with leprosy bacilli in mice. Int. J. Leprosy, v.40, p.91-92, 1972.
21. KIRCHHEIMER, W.F. , SANCHEZ, R.M. , SHANNON, E.J. Effect of specific vaccine on cell-mediated immunity in armadillos agaainst M. leprae. Int. J. Leprosy, v.46, p.353-363, 1978.
22. LEVY, L. Superinfection im mice previously infected with Mycobacterium leprae. Inf. Immun., v.11, p.1094-1099, 1975.
23. LOWRIE, D.B., TASCON, R.E., COLSTON, M.J. et al. Towards a DNA vaccine against tuberculosis. Vaccine, v.12, p.1537-1540, 1994.
24. MEHRA, V.L., BLOOM, B.R. Induction of cell mediated immunity to Mycobacterium leprae in guinea pigs. Inf. Immun., v.23, p.787-794, 1979.
25. MEHRA, V.L., SALGAME, R, SNAPPER, S.B. et al. Vaccines against leprosy. In: PLATKIN, S.A., MORTIMER JR., E.A., eds. Vaccines. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1988.
26. PATEL, R. J., LEFFORD, M.J. Induction of cellmediated immunity to Mycobacterium leprae in mice. Inf. Immun., v.19. p.87-93, 1978.
27. PÕNNINGHAUS, J.M., FINE, P.E.M. Sensitization s tudies wi th potent ial leprosy vaccine preparations in Northern Malawi. Int. J. Leprosy, v.54, p.25 37, 1986.
28. PÖNNINGHAUS, J.M., FINE, P.E.M., STERNE, J.A.C. et al. Efficacy of BCG vaccine against leprosy and tuberculosis in Northern Malawi. Lancet, v.339, p.636-639, 1992.
29. REDDI, P.P., AMIN, A.G., KHAANDEKAR, P.S. Molecular definition of unique species status of Mycobacterium w a candidate leprosy vaccine strain. Int. J. Leprosy, v.62, p.229-236, 1994.
30. REES, J.F.W. Limited multiplication of acid-fast bacilli in the foot pads of mice inoculated with Mycobacterium Leprae. Br. J. Exp. Pathol., v.45, p. 207-216, 1964.
31. REES, J.F.W. Enhanced susceptibility pf thymectomized and irradiated mice to infection of Mycobacterium leprae. Nature, v.211, p.657-658, 1966.
32. RODRIGUES, M.L.O. et al. Protective effect of intradermal BCG against leprosy: a case-control study in central Brazil. Int. J. Leprosy, v.60, p.335 - 339, 1992.
33. SAMUEL, N.M., STANFORD, J.L., REES, R.J.W. et al. Human vaccination studies on normal and contacts of leprosy patient. Indian J. Leprosy, v.56, p.36-47, 1984.
34. SAXENA, V.K., SINGH, U.S., SINGH, A.K. Bacteriological study of a rapidly growing strain of Mycobacterium. Leprosy India, v.50, p.588-596, 1978.
35. SHEPARD, C.C. The experimental disease that follows the injection of human leprosy bacilli into foot-pads of mice. J. Exp. Med., v.112. p.445-454, 1960.
36. SHEPARD, C.C. Acid-fast bacilli in nasal excretions in leprosy and result of inoculation of mice. Am. J. Hyg., v.71. p.147-157, 1960b.
37. SHEPARD, C.C. Vaccination against experimental infection with Mycobacterium Leprae. Am. J. Epidemiol., v.81, p.150-163, 1965.
38. SHEPARD, C.C., RIBI, E. Cell walls from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (BCG) as a vaccine against Mycobacterium Leprae infection in mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., v.127, p.517-521, 1968.
39. SHEPARD, C.C., VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V., WALKER, L. Immunity to Mycobacterium leprae infections in mice stimulated by M.leprae, BCG and graft- versus - host reactions. Inf. Immun., v.14, p.919-928, 1976.
40 . SHEPARD, C.C. , WALKER, L . L . , VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V. Immunity to Mycobacterium leprae infections induced in mice by BCG vaccination at different times before or after challenge. Inf. Immun., v.19, p.391-394, 1978.
41. SHEPARD, C.C. WALKER, L . L . , VAN L ANDIGHAM, R.V . He a t s t a b i l i t y o f Mycobacterium leprae immunogenicity. Inf. Immun., v.22, p.87-93, 1978.
42. SHEPARD, C.C., VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V., WALKER, L. Searches among mycobacterial cultures for antileprosy vaccines. Inf. Immun., v.29, p.1034-1039, 1980.
43. SHEPARD, C.C., DRAPER, P., REES, R.J.W. et al. Effect of purification steps on the immunogenicity of Mycobacterium Leprae. Br. J. Exp. Pathol., v.61, p.376-379, 1980.
44. SHEPARD, C.C. , MINAGAWA, F. , VAN LANDIGHAM, R.V. et al. Foot pad enlargement a s a meas u re of in duc ed immu ni t y to Mycobacterium leprae. Int. J. Leprosy, v.48, p.371-381, 1980.
45. SILVA, C.L., PALÁCIOS, A., COLSTON, M.J. et al. Mycobacterium leprae 65hsp antigen expressed from a retroviral vector in a macrophage cell line is presented to T cells in association with MHC class II in addition to MHC class I. Microb. Pathogen., v.12, p.27-38, 1992.
46. SINGH, N.B., LOWE, C.R.E., REES, R.J.W. et al. Vaccination of mice against Mycobacterium Leprae infection. Inf. Immun., v.57, p.653-655. 1989.
47. SMELT. A.H.M., REES, R.J.W., LIEW, F.Y. Induction of delayed type hypersensitivity to Mycobacterium leprae in healthy individuals. Clin. Exp. Immunol, v.44, p.501-506, 1981.
48. STOVER, C.K., DE LA CRUZ, V.F., BANSAL, G.P. et al. Use of recombinant BCG as a vaccine delivery vaccine. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., v.327, p.175 -182, 1992.
49. TALWAR, G.P., ZAHEER, S.A., MUKHERJEE, R. et al. Immunotherapeutic effects of a vaccine based on a saprophytic cultivable mycobacterium, Mycobacterium w, in multibacillary patients. Vaccine, v.8, p.121-129, 1990.
50.VON SONNTAG, C. The chemical basis of radiation biology. London: Taylor & Francis, 1987.
51.WALES, A., KUSEL, J.R. Biochemistry of irradiated parasite vaccines: suggested models for their mode of action. Parasit. Today, v.8, p.358-363, 1992.

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