A avaliação da eficácia dos regimes poliquimioterápicos recomendados para pacientes hansenianos paucibacilares pela OMS, é feita principalmente pelo adequado acompanhamento dos pacientes após a alta terapêutica. 0 critério para Inclusão de pacientes como paucibacilares, é outro ponto de importância. Os autores baseados no seguimento de 66 pacientes que completaram o tratamento e na ausência de recaídas até o momento, recomendam que sejam levados em consideração junto com a classificação clínica, fatores como: o teste de Mitsuda, o número de lesões, e o resultado do exame bacilosc6pico.
1- ANDRADE, V.L.G.; MARQUES, A.B.; CUNHA, L.H.V.; AVELLEIRA, J.C.R. Feasibility of mul t idrug ther apy (MDT) in Hansen' s Disease in a urban population Curupaiti State Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Int. J. Leprosy, 55:435-440, 1987.
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3- DEGUERRY, M.; DECLERCQ, E.; MISSON, C.; VELLUT, C.; BERTRAND, F. Registration of the number of macules in paucibacillary leprosy for evaluation of early diagnosis and individual prognoses. Lepr. Rev. , 60(3):206-213, 1989.
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5- JESUDASAN, K. & CHRISTIAN, M. Ri sk of paudbacillary leprosy. Int. J. Leprosy, 53(1):19-21, 1985.
6- JESUDASAN, K. ; CHRISTIAN, M. ; BRADLEY, D. Relapse rates among non-lepromatous patientes released from control. Int. J. Leprosy, 52(3):304-310, 1984.
7- K A T O C H , K . ; RAMANATHAN, U. NATRAJAN, M. ; BAGGA, A.K. ; BHATIA, A.S. ; SAXENA, R.K. ; RAMU, G. Relapses In PB patients after treatment with three short regimens containing rifampicin. Int. J. Leprosy, 57:458-464, 1989.
8- ROSE, P. Short-course multi-drug therapy for paucibacillary patients in Guyana: preliminary communicat ion. Lepr. Rev., 55(2):143-147. 1984.
9- TALHARI, S.; CUNHA, M.G.S.; PARREIRA, J.V.; SCHETTINI, A.P.M.; CAVALCANTE, F.H.; TALHARI, A.C. Resultados preliminares com o esquema OMS/81, em pacientes tuberculóides e indeterminados. An. Bras. Dermatol,63(suppl. 1):284-286, 1988.
1 0 - TO UW- L A NG E NDI J K , E .M. J . & NA A F S , B. Relapse in leprosy after release from control. Lepr. Rev., 5012):123-127, 1979.
1 1 - W O R L D H E A L T H O R G A N I Z A T I O N . Chemotherapy of Leprosy for Cont rol Programmes: r epor t of a WHO s tudy g r o u p . G e n e v a , 1 9 8 2 . 3 6 p . (WH O . Technical report series, 675)
12- WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. WHO Exper t Commi t tee o n L e p r o s y : s i x r e p o r t . Ge n e v a , 1 9 8 8 . 5 8 9 . (WHO) . Technical report series, 768).
2- BRAKEL, W. ; KIST, P. ; NOBLE, S. ; O'TOOLE, L. Relapses after multidrug therapy for leprosy: a preliminary report of 22 cases in west Nepal. Lepr. Rev., 60(1): 45-50, 1989.
3- DEGUERRY, M.; DECLERCQ, E.; MISSON, C.; VELLUT, C.; BERTRAND, F. Registration of the number of macules in paucibacillary leprosy for evaluation of early diagnosis and individual prognoses. Lepr. Rev. , 60(3):206-213, 1989.
4- EKAMBARAM, V. Du r a t i o n o f t r e a tme n t f o r "disease arrest" of non-lepromatous cases and relapses rate in these patients. Lepr. Rev., 50(4): 297-302, 1979.
5- JESUDASAN, K. & CHRISTIAN, M. Ri sk of paudbacillary leprosy. Int. J. Leprosy, 53(1):19-21, 1985.
6- JESUDASAN, K. ; CHRISTIAN, M. ; BRADLEY, D. Relapse rates among non-lepromatous patientes released from control. Int. J. Leprosy, 52(3):304-310, 1984.
7- K A T O C H , K . ; RAMANATHAN, U. NATRAJAN, M. ; BAGGA, A.K. ; BHATIA, A.S. ; SAXENA, R.K. ; RAMU, G. Relapses In PB patients after treatment with three short regimens containing rifampicin. Int. J. Leprosy, 57:458-464, 1989.
8- ROSE, P. Short-course multi-drug therapy for paucibacillary patients in Guyana: preliminary communicat ion. Lepr. Rev., 55(2):143-147. 1984.
9- TALHARI, S.; CUNHA, M.G.S.; PARREIRA, J.V.; SCHETTINI, A.P.M.; CAVALCANTE, F.H.; TALHARI, A.C. Resultados preliminares com o esquema OMS/81, em pacientes tuberculóides e indeterminados. An. Bras. Dermatol,63(suppl. 1):284-286, 1988.
1 0 - TO UW- L A NG E NDI J K , E .M. J . & NA A F S , B. Relapse in leprosy after release from control. Lepr. Rev., 5012):123-127, 1979.
1 1 - W O R L D H E A L T H O R G A N I Z A T I O N . Chemotherapy of Leprosy for Cont rol Programmes: r epor t of a WHO s tudy g r o u p . G e n e v a , 1 9 8 2 . 3 6 p . (WH O . Technical report series, 675)
12- WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. WHO Exper t Commi t tee o n L e p r o s y : s i x r e p o r t . Ge n e v a , 1 9 8 8 . 5 8 9 . (WHO) . Technical report series, 768).

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