Duas técnicas, uma delas utilizando cromatografia em camada delgada e outra ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) foram comparadas na determinação de aflatoxinas, ocratoxina A e zearalenona. Para tal, foram analisadas sete amostras de milho em grão e vinte amostras de fubá provenientes de uma indústria no Estado do Paraná. O método imunoenzimático mostrou-se mais simples e mais rápido e os níveis obtidos foram um pouco superiores àqueles obtidos por cromatografia em camada delgada. Falsos resultados positivos foram observados com o método imunoenzimático tornando-se necessária a confirmação da identidade das micotoxinas pesquisadas,
1. BRASIL. Leis .decretos, etc., Portaria nº 183 de 21/03/ 1996 que internaliza a Resolução 56/94 do Mercado Grupo Comum, Ministério da Agricultura e Abastecimento. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 25 mar. 1996.
2. BRASIL, Leis, decretos, etc.- Resolução nº 34/76 da Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 19 jan. 1977. Seção I, pt.I, p. 710. Fixa padrões de tolerância para as aflatoxinas em alimentos.
3. CHAMBON, P.; DANO, S.D.; CHAMBON, R. & GEAHCHAN, A.Rapid determination of aflatoxin Ml milk and milk products by high pcrformance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 259(2): 372-374,
4. CHU, F.S.; UENO,I. Production of antibody against aflatoxin Bl' Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 33:11251128,1977.
5. lAR C Working Group 011 the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemical to mano Lyon, 1975. Some naturally oeeurring substanees. Lyon, IARC, 1976. p.51-72 (IARC Monographs , 10).
6. HONGYO, K.I.; ITOH, Y; HIFUMI, E.; TAKEYASU, A. Comparison of monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with thin-layer chromatography and liquid chromatography for aflatoxin Bl determination in naturally contaminated com and mixed feed. J. AOAC Internat., 75(2): 307312,1992.
7. HORWITZ, W.; ALBERT, R.; NESHEIM, S. Reliability of mycotoxin assays - an update. J. AOAC Internat., 76(3): 461-491,1993.
8. LANSDEN,J.A.Detennination of cyclopiazonic acid in peanuts and com by thin layer chromatography. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 69: 964-966, 1986.
9. LANSDEN,J.A. Liquid chrornatographic analysis system inpeanuts. for a cyclopiazonic acid. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 67: 728-731. 1984.
10. LAZZARI, F.A. 1993. Umidade.fungos e mieotoxinas na qualidade de sementes, grãos e rações. Curitiba, Ed. do Autor, 140p.
11. MERCOSUL\ GMC \ Resolução n 2 56\94 - Regulamento Técnico sobre limites máximos de aflatoxinas.
12. MILLER, J.D. Fungi and mycotoxins in grain: implications for stored product research, J. Stored Prod. Res., 31 (1): 1-16, 1995.
13. MORGAN, M.R.A.; KANG, A.S. & CHAN, H.W.S. Aflatoxin dctermination in peanut butter by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. J. Sei. Food Agrie. ,37: 908-914,1986.
14. PESTKA, J.1.; ABOUZIED, M.N. & SUTKINO Immunological assays for mycotoxin detection. Food Technology, 49(2): 120-128, 1995.
15. PONS, W.A. High pressure liquid chromatographic detennination of aflatoxins in com. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 62: 586-594,1979.
16. PRZYBYLSKI, W. Fonnation ofaflatoxin derivatives on thin-layer chromatographic plates. J. Assoe Off. Ana!. Chem., 58: 163-164, 1975.
17. SCOTT, P.M. Mycotoxins. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem. Intern., 76: 112, 1993.
18. SCOTT, P.M. Recent developments in methods of analysis for mycotoxins in foodstuffs. Trends in Analytieal Chemistry, 12(9): 373-381,1993.
19. SCOTT, P.M.; LAU, P. & KANHERE, S.R. Gas chromatography with electron capture and mass spectrometric detection of deoxynivalenol in wheat and other grains. J Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 64: 1364-1371, 1981.
20. SHANNON, G.M.; SHOTWELL, O.L. & KWOLEK, W.F. Extraction and thin Iayer chromatography of . aflatoxin BJ in mixed feeds. J Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 66: 582-586, 1983.
21. SOARES, L.V.S.; RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA, D.B. Survey of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, zearalenone and sterigmatocystin in some Brazilian foods by using multi-toxin thin-layer chromatographic method. J
Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 72(1):22-26,1989.
22. WATSON, S.A. & RAMSTAD, P.E. 1987 - Com: Chemistry and Technology. St. Paul, M.N.: American Association o/Cereal Chemists, Inc., 605 p.
23. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - Mycotoxins . Geneva, WHO, 1979. 127p. (EnvironrnentalHealth Criteria, 11).
2. BRASIL, Leis, decretos, etc.- Resolução nº 34/76 da Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 19 jan. 1977. Seção I, pt.I, p. 710. Fixa padrões de tolerância para as aflatoxinas em alimentos.
3. CHAMBON, P.; DANO, S.D.; CHAMBON, R. & GEAHCHAN, A.Rapid determination of aflatoxin Ml milk and milk products by high pcrformance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr., 259(2): 372-374,
4. CHU, F.S.; UENO,I. Production of antibody against aflatoxin Bl' Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 33:11251128,1977.
5. lAR C Working Group 011 the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemical to mano Lyon, 1975. Some naturally oeeurring substanees. Lyon, IARC, 1976. p.51-72 (IARC Monographs , 10).
6. HONGYO, K.I.; ITOH, Y; HIFUMI, E.; TAKEYASU, A. Comparison of monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with thin-layer chromatography and liquid chromatography for aflatoxin Bl determination in naturally contaminated com and mixed feed. J. AOAC Internat., 75(2): 307312,1992.
7. HORWITZ, W.; ALBERT, R.; NESHEIM, S. Reliability of mycotoxin assays - an update. J. AOAC Internat., 76(3): 461-491,1993.
8. LANSDEN,J.A.Detennination of cyclopiazonic acid in peanuts and com by thin layer chromatography. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 69: 964-966, 1986.
9. LANSDEN,J.A. Liquid chrornatographic analysis system inpeanuts. for a cyclopiazonic acid. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 67: 728-731. 1984.
10. LAZZARI, F.A. 1993. Umidade.fungos e mieotoxinas na qualidade de sementes, grãos e rações. Curitiba, Ed. do Autor, 140p.
11. MERCOSUL\ GMC \ Resolução n 2 56\94 - Regulamento Técnico sobre limites máximos de aflatoxinas.
12. MILLER, J.D. Fungi and mycotoxins in grain: implications for stored product research, J. Stored Prod. Res., 31 (1): 1-16, 1995.
13. MORGAN, M.R.A.; KANG, A.S. & CHAN, H.W.S. Aflatoxin dctermination in peanut butter by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. J. Sei. Food Agrie. ,37: 908-914,1986.
14. PESTKA, J.1.; ABOUZIED, M.N. & SUTKINO Immunological assays for mycotoxin detection. Food Technology, 49(2): 120-128, 1995.
15. PONS, W.A. High pressure liquid chromatographic detennination of aflatoxins in com. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 62: 586-594,1979.
16. PRZYBYLSKI, W. Fonnation ofaflatoxin derivatives on thin-layer chromatographic plates. J. Assoe Off. Ana!. Chem., 58: 163-164, 1975.
17. SCOTT, P.M. Mycotoxins. J. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem. Intern., 76: 112, 1993.
18. SCOTT, P.M. Recent developments in methods of analysis for mycotoxins in foodstuffs. Trends in Analytieal Chemistry, 12(9): 373-381,1993.
19. SCOTT, P.M.; LAU, P. & KANHERE, S.R. Gas chromatography with electron capture and mass spectrometric detection of deoxynivalenol in wheat and other grains. J Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 64: 1364-1371, 1981.
20. SHANNON, G.M.; SHOTWELL, O.L. & KWOLEK, W.F. Extraction and thin Iayer chromatography of . aflatoxin BJ in mixed feeds. J Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 66: 582-586, 1983.
21. SOARES, L.V.S.; RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA, D.B. Survey of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, zearalenone and sterigmatocystin in some Brazilian foods by using multi-toxin thin-layer chromatographic method. J
Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., 72(1):22-26,1989.
22. WATSON, S.A. & RAMSTAD, P.E. 1987 - Com: Chemistry and Technology. St. Paul, M.N.: American Association o/Cereal Chemists, Inc., 605 p.
23. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - Mycotoxins . Geneva, WHO, 1979. 127p. (EnvironrnentalHealth Criteria, 11).
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