Performance of the 100% rapid review methodology on cervix Pap smears with and without clinical information
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quality control
vaginal smears
quality assurance health care

How to Cite

Manrique EJC, Souza NLA, Tavares SB do N, Zeferino LC, Amaral RG. Performance of the 100% rapid review methodology on cervix Pap smears with and without clinical information. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2012 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];71(1):172-7. Available from:


This study evaluated the performance of the methodology of 100% rapid review on the cervix Pap smears with and without information on clinical risk criteria by using the average time of one and two minutes assays. A total of 5,395 smears were analyzed, and of these 274 were classified as altered and 5,121 as negative after routine examinations. Of negative smears, 958 had clinical risk criteria information, and they were analyzed by rapid review, which identified ten (1.04 %) as altered by the one minute-revision, and nine (0.93) by using a time of two minutes. Analyzing 4,163 negative smears without clinical risk criteria information by rapid review using the times of one and two minutes, 35 (0.84%) were identified as altered in both procedures. The technique of rapid review showed sensitivity of 83% and 75% for the review time of one minute and two minutes, respectively, in smears with available clinical risk criteria information. No difference was found in detecting false-negative smears with and without available clinical risk criteria information. Also, no difference was found in the rapid review performance for detecting false-negative results by employing one to two-minutes techniques.
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