Acceptance of microfiltered milk by consumers aged from 7 to 70 years


shelf life
age groups

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Silva R de C dos SN da, Vasconcelos CM, Suda JY, Minim V de PR, Pires AC dos S, Carvalho AF de. Acceptance of microfiltered milk by consumers aged from 7 to 70 years. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];71(3):481-7. Available from:


Microfiltration of milk reduces its microbial load providing a longer shelf life and preserving its nutritional and sensory characteristics. The present study compared the effect of the microfiltration treatment and of the milk pasteurization regarding the sensory acceptability by consumers aged from 7 to 70 years using a 7-point hedonic scale. The obtained results were evaluated by variance analysis and Duncan’s test. Microbiological, acidity, instrumental color and heat treatment extent analyses were also performed. Microfiltered milk showed a higher microbial counting reduction and lower acidity; and lesser change in color coordinates was found when compared to pasteurized milk, indicating the lack of reactions caused by heating. In the sensory acceptability, two groups were formed (p > 0.05) for microfiltered milk, being a group consisted of children, adolescents and elderly, who rated the highest sensory scores, and the second one formed by adults. Comparing the two kinds of milk, pasteurized and microfiltered samples, no difference in the acceptation was found only in the group constituted by children. These findings highlight s the importance in assessing the sensory quality of milk, seeing that the sensory perception is linked with the consumer purchase choice.


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