Effect of the liquid from cashew nut skin on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the fried nuts
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Anacardium occidentale

How to Cite

Aquino J de S, Silva PEBA da, Mascarenhas R de J, Rocha CV de S, Santos OJ dos, Santos HMLR. Effect of the liquid from cashew nut skin on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the fried nuts. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];70(3):316-23. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32539


The effect of cashew nut skin liquid on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of fried and salted cashew nut was evaluated. Proximate composition, caloric value, acidity and pH of nuts were determined. The quantitative descriptive analysis established the attributes to accurately characterize the following sensory characteristics: color, color uniformity, roasted aroma, sweet aroma, rancid aroma, old aroma, crispness, roasted flavor, sweet flavor, rancid flavor, old flavor, salty flavor, bitter flavor and general quality. Samples without stains from the skin liquid showed higher percentages of moisture, ash and protein than the dyed one, whereas the lipid content was higher in stained samples. Stained samples showed highest mean values for bitter flavor and crispness, and the remaining attributes showed no significant differences. The characteristics that positively influenced most the general quality were: color, crispness, roasted flavor, toasted aroma, sweet flavor and salty flavor. All samples showed good sensory acceptance. The frying process followed by salting resulted in good acceptability, and even after this process, the presence of skin liquid reduced the acceptance by causing the most intense bitter flavor. Frying and salting minimized, but did not mask the aftertaste caused by this liquid.
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