Property of protein fraction of rice, oat and wheat cultivars
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protein solubility
enzymatic activity

How to Cite

Pagnussatt FA, Garda-Buffon J, Gutkoski LC, Badiale-Furlong E. Property of protein fraction of rice, oat and wheat cultivars. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Feb. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];70(2):185-92. Available from:


Cereals are sources of enzymatic inhibitors which act upon alpha-amylase, disturbing the starch availability and generating a high resistance to pathogens. This study evaluated the physical-chemical characteristics and the protein fractions of oat, rice and wheat, cultivated in Rio Grande do Sul, for estimating the enzymatic inhibitors presence and the resistance to fungi contamination. Samples of oat, wheat and rice were characterized physical-chemically (moisture, lipids, protein and crude fiber); and in vitro protein digestibility, solubility in aqueous system and hydrolases enzymatic activity were evaluated. The oat samples showed the highest lipids and protein contents, and the UPFA20 Teixeirinha demonstrated the lowest digestibility, as expected owing to the brut fiber contents. The gluteline fraction was found in BR424 rice variety, and the highest total crude protein and digestibility. The wheat varieties showed the highest α-amylase and β-amylase activity, suggesting that this grain is the mostly susceptible to fungal degradation when compared with rice and oats, due to the increased sugar availability. The highest amylase inhibitor activity of cereals protein extracts was detected in oat cultivars.
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