Views on the consumer’s opinion in using the linseed in diets
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market research

How to Cite

Dantas MI de S, Conceição LL da, Arruda AC, Sperandio N, Lelis JF, Martino HSD. Views on the consumer’s opinion in using the linseed in diets. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];70(1):23-7. Available from:


A direct descriptive and structured survey was carried out among 395 consumers for inquiring into the
linseed-containing food products. For this purpose, the following questions were investigated, the profile of
the interviewers, the knowledge on the benefits of linseed for human health, and which kind of linseed-based
food products would be attractive for consumers. Of 395 participants, 218 (55.2%) stated the knowledge on
linseed. Concerning the benefits of linseed for human health, the intestinal functioning improvement (n=94,
41.2%) and the cholesterol reduction (n= 36, 15.8%) were the most cited. Among all participants, yoghurt
was the most attractive linseed-containing food (n=52, 13.3%), followed by the cereal bar 12.1% (n=47).
Correlation between the knowledge on the linseed benefits and in using up the products containing this seed
was observed, which indicates an association between the use of linseed-based foods and the consumers’
concern on health and life quality enhancement. Also, it was noted that the participants who have heard
about linseed but have not tasted a linseed-containing food yet, they showed interest in consuming these
new products. These findings indicate that there is a market to be explored, and that the benefits of linseed
disclosure is required.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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