The present work analyzed the effect of dry heat on grains from different soybean cultivars, and the indices of urease, protein solubility and dephosphorylation of phytic acid were determined. The grains were exposed to temperatures at 130ºC, 150ºC and 170ºC for 30 minutes, and then powdered. Analyses of urease, protein solubility, and inositol hexaphosphate, pentaphosphate, tetrafhosphate and triphosphate were carried out. The treatment of grains at 130ºC was insufficient to inactivate the urease activity, while the temperature at 170°C exceeded the appropriate limit; at 150°C desirable values were observed. The protein solubility differed among the employed temperatures (p < 0.05). Heating processing at 130°C was not appropriate, but at 150°C indicated to be suitable temperature, as the protein solubility values were between 70% and 85%. Inositol hexaphosphate content was 46% lower in the conventional cultivar. An average reduction of 37.7% for the IP6 was observed in treating the soybean grains at 150ºC, in comparison with 130ºC. The heating treatment at 150ºC for 30 minutes was the most adequate for processing the soybean, and for providing appropriate protein solubility, reduced urease activity and reduced concentration of inositol penta- and hexaphosphates, without affecting the inositol tetra- and tri-phosphates concentrations.References
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