Partial Chemical Charaterization of the proteins of the nuts of Munguba (Pachira aquatica Aubl)
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Pachira aquatica Aubl

How to Cite

Silva B de L de A, Bora PS, Azevedo CC de. Partial Chemical Charaterization of the proteins of the nuts of Munguba (Pachira aquatica Aubl). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(3):333-40. Available from:


Munguba (Pachira aquatica Aubl) is an oleaginous seed native of southern Mexico and northern Brazil,
and it is cultivated as gardening ornament. For investigating its use as food or as an ingredient in food
manufacturing, the centesimal composition, protein fractions and some anti-nutricional factors were
characterized. The lipid and protein contents were of 46.62% and 13.75%, respectively, which characterize
it as being an oleaginous species. In a pie form, the protein contents was of 28.27. The following essential
amino acids (g/100 g of protein) were found: valine (7.16), leucine (7.97) and lysine (5.27), but a limited
amount of methionine + cysteine (2.42). Among the non-essential amino acids, aspartic acid (12.70) and
glutamic acid (17.11g) showed the highest indices. For protein classification the globulin fraction was in
highest index (56.24%), followed by albumin (22.86%), glutelins (14.22%) and prolamins (1.45%), being
consistent with the characteristic profile of plant storage proteins. Four protein subunits ranging from 97.4
KDa to 29.0 KDa were found by electrophoretic analysis. The tanine contents was of 6.34 mg/g, and the
haemagglutination activity was detected. The munguba seeds demonstrated the nutritional characteristics
which are suitable for being used in food manufacturing and aquiculture.
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