To monitor the efficiency of sodium hypochlorite as a sanitary barrier, was evaluated the activity against 32 strains of Staphylococcus aureus gathered from IPB-LACEN/RS from food implicated in foodborne disease outbreaks. Suspension tests were carried out: a 200 ppm free chlorine solution in the absence and presence of organic matter (1% whole milk); 100 ppm free chlorine solution; and four contact times (5, 10,15 and 30 min). The results: at 200 ppm, in absence of organic matter, all strains were inactivated. At 200ppm, with organic matter, 27 strains had remained viable even after a contact of 30 minutes. At 100 ppm it was necessary a 30 min contact to 24 strains if presented inactive. In conclusion, to use this disinfectant in protection from health of dinner companion, against bacterial genus confronted, must have at least 200 ppm of free chlorine, contact time not lower than 30 min and levels of organic residues no higher than 1%.References
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