Caffeine is an alkaloid compound belonging to the class of methylxanthines. It is the mostly worldwide consumed psychoactive substance. It can be found in several kinds of food including in coffee beverage. Due to the highly consumption of coffee drink by the Brazilian population, and on account of the fact of the caffeine has been associated with both positive and negative aspects to the health, determining the contents of this alkaloid in coffee beverage is relevant. In the present study the effect of the filter type on the caffeine contents contained in coffee beverage was evaluated. After filtering the coffee beverages through five different types of filter, the respective filtrates were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The rates of caffeine ranged from 58.01 ± 0.59 to 80.38 ± 1.25mg/100mL, depending on the each analyzed types of filter. The caffeine-retention capacity presented by the filter was correlated with the type of material used for manufacturing of the filter, which was in the following order: flannel tissue > ecological paper = cotton tissue > normal regular paper > nylon tissue. Hence, choice of the type of the filter used for filtrating coffee drink showed to be very important, considering that even drinking the same quantity of coffee beverage it seems likely consuming different amounts of caffeine, depending on the filter type the coffee drink was filtrated through.References
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