A study of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) largely consumed in Brazil is made. The bean is the principal source of protein for the city people and countrymen. The origin, botanic classification, varieties and species cultivated in Brazil, United States, Peru and Argentina are presented. Proper time for seeding and harvesting is suggested as well as the amount of production in each Brazilian state in which the culture of this vegetable is made, and in other regions where the bean production is in a large scale. Statistical data of the Agricultural Department and of the FAO are reported. Botanical characteristics, mainly the morphology and histology of the seed, contribute to identify this important grain which furnishes a great variety of canned food and several foods served in hotels and restaurants and subjected to official control. Starch in bean is carefully investigated and several considerations are made about illnesses and plagues attacking cultures and stored seeds. Chemical compounds of bean are studied, emphasizing the importance of proteins, amino-acids and mineral constituents mainly in the Brazilian varieties: brown, black and white. Principal uses of bean are reported as well as official regulations and commercial classification of the product, This work illustrated by photos and diagrams showing different aspects of the investigation helps the elucidation of microscopical structure of the Ph. vulgaris L. seed.
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