In order to standardize analytical procedures and to evaluate the contamination for extraneous materials and mycelial of molds in industrialized fruits pastes in sweets (banana sweet paste, guava sweet paste and quince sweet paste), 57 samples of such sweet products were gathered in upermarkets from São Paulo city, Brazil. The methods used for determination of the cited parameters revealed adequate. In
relation to the results of the analyses, 54.4% of the samples presented extraneous materials (mainly insects
fragments); 80,7% contained mycelial fragments for the Howard mold counting and 31.6% were positive
for mycelial fragments of Geotrichum mold. Considering the food legislation in force, 83.0% of the fruit pastes in sweets were positive in at least one of the three determination, we can conclude that the analyzed products presented high index of contamination, having as main factor the presence of mycelial fragments.
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