Mushrooms are well-liked food whose consumption has increased substantially. To extend its shelf life the addition of sulphur dioxide is necessary as it acts as a bleaching and preservative agent. Resolution 04/88 from the Brazilian Health Ministry National Commission of Rules and Standards for Foods allows the maximum of 50 mg/kg of sulphur dioxide. The absence of Salmonella in 25 gram samples and a maximum of 200 fecal coliforms per gram is also required in the Resolution 12/78 from the Brazilian Health Ministry National Commission of Rules and Standards for Foods. A total of 108 samples, 25 from stores and markets, 36 from mushroom producers and 47 imported lots from China were analysed for sulphite and pH levels, and were submitted to microbiological examination. The Monier-William method was used and its detection limit was 0.15 mg/kg and recovery of 91%. Levels of suphur dioxide varied from not detected to 1052 mg/kg. The samples showed levels above those permitted, from retailers, producers and imported lots, at 68, 61 and 23%, respectively. The pH levels varied from 2.60 to 5.35. All mushroom samples were acceptable in accordance with microbiological standards. The high levels of sulphur dioxide found are of concern to public health. The microbiological results show that low levels of sulphur dioxide are sufficient to preserve this product, not justifying the levels found.
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Copyright (c) 2001 Neura Bragagnolo, Cláudia A. Silva, Marta H. Taniwaki