The hystological identification in yogurts containing fruit pulp by using sieve USBS 230
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Yogurts containing fruit pulp
Hystological identification
Microscopy methods

How to Cite

Nogueira MD, Rodrigues RMMS. The hystological identification in yogurts containing fruit pulp by using sieve USBS 230. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1994 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];54(2):93-6. Available from:


The efficiency of two methods for hystological identification was compared, by using 30 samples of yogurts containing different flavors of fruits pulps. Method A used defatting and alkaline hydrolysis and Method B used sieve USBS 230 anc' filtered water at 35°C. The Method B was superior to Method A by making possible a good
visualization of the material and characterization of fruits in 96,7% of samples. In both methods, it was also possible to evaluate the quality of fruit pulp. Since the Method B is rapid, simple and precise and does not require toxic reagents, it is considered to be the most suitable for hystological identification in yogurts containing fruit pulp.
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