The Pelger-Huêt anomaly is a dominant autossomic leukocytary
abnormality, characterized by the incomplete segmentation of nucleus of the neutrophils
and eosinophils. The heterozygous form is in general assyntomatic, with prevalence
ranges from 1:1000 to 1: 10.000, occurring in caucasians, negroes and orientais. The
homozygous form is extremely rare, sometimes 1ethal. The authors are studying the
peripheral blood from ten persons of the same family, which seven carried out this
anomaly of neutrophils and eosinophils with the rod-like or spectacles-like (pince-nez)
nuclei with more condensed chromatin. In the pedigree is illustrated the distribuition of
the anomaly. The identification of this leukocytary anomaly in the blood films is
important to avoid erroneous clinical interpretations, as the left shift, on accouut of
infection cause.
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