Nitrate and nitrite were determined in samples of lettuce, cabbage and
spinach produced at the region of the Distrito Federal. Nitrite was determined by the method of Follett & RatcIiff, spectrophotometric determination at 474 nm of the diazo compound formed after reaction of nitrite with sulphanilic acid and l-naphtol. Nitrate was similarIy determined after is reduction to nitrite by using a cadmium column. Of 26 samples analyzed,
84% presented a leveI of nitrate over than 500 mg/kg and 58% greater than 1000 mg/kg. The highest value of nitrate was 2881 mg/kg obtained in a sample of cabbage. Nitrite was not detected in any of the samples analyzed. The Iimit of determination of the method was 20 mglkg and 16 mglkg for sodium nitrate, respectively.
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