Methodology of microscopic analysis for the evaluation of hygienic conditions of soup mixes and risotto mixes
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filth in
microscopical analysis

How to Cite

Correia M, Bittar M. Methodology of microscopic analysis for the evaluation of hygienic conditions of soup mixes and risotto mixes. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1995 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];55(2):73-7. Available from:


Fifty soup samplesand fifty risotto samples, some bought in supermarketsand others
acquired frorn lhe School Lunch Meal Program of São Paulo State, were analysed for the purpose of verification of lhe sanitation. For this study we suggest lhe use of lhe. A.O.A.C. rnethod for high fat
products in analyzing soups and risottos, as it is efficient for recuperation of insect fragments and rodenl hairs in test sarnples. It was found that 92% of the soup samples and 88% of risotto samples were in unsatisfactory sanitaryconditionsdueto filth. It wasconcludedthal lhe method utilized gavegood results.
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