Bromatological characteristic of the batata-de-pedra (Mandevilla tenuifolia)
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mandevilla tanuifolia
nutritional value
toxics substances

How to Cite

Livera AV de S, Mélo E de A, Santos na CO dos, Guerra NB. Bromatological characteristic of the batata-de-pedra (Mandevilla tenuifolia). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1995 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];55(1):13-8. Available from:


The batata-de-pedra (Mandevilla tanuifalia) recognized by archeologists at UNICAP as being food participant of the diet of the ancient civilization of Brejo da Madre de Deus - PE. It was analysed trying to associate it to malformation of the bones, including bifid spin, present in the human fossels found at the archeological site. Two samples of tubers collected randomly in this region were analysed under "in natura" from and after its transformation in flour. The centesimal cornposition, contents of amino acids, cianidric acid and tannins were investigated parameters. The results indicated
a chemical composition similar to other tubers usually consumed. The aminogram revealed leucine as being the first limitant amino acid and considerable aport of lisine. The toxic factors do not confirm any relation between the consume of batata-de-pedra and the osteo disease found.
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