In order to investigate the levels of theobromiue and caffeine, 77 samples of chocolate liquor and commercial chocolate products were ana1ysed. The samples tested included 12 samples of chocolate Iiquor, 4 samp1es of cocoa flavour and 61 samples of commercial chocolate products like sweet bar chocolate, milk beverages, biscuits, cakes, ice-cream, etc from different brands. A liquid chromatography technique was developed using a diode array detector, a C18, column and methanolwater -acetic acid (20:79: 1) as mobile phase. Quantitation was carried out by external standardization.
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2. BLAUCH, J.L. & TARKA J.R., S.M. - HPLC determination of caffeine and theobromine in coffee, tea and instant hot cocoa mixes. I. Food su.. 48:745-50, 1983.
3. BRERETON, P., HAGUE, M. & WOOD, R. - The determination of theobromine in cocoa and chocolate products. J.Assoc. Publ. Analysis, 30:49-54, 1994.
4. CRAIO, W.L & NGUYEN, T. T. - A research note - Caffeine and theobromine levels in cocoa and carob products. J.Food Sci..49:302-305, 1984.
5. DE VRIES, r.w, JOHNSON, K.D. & HEROFF, J.C. - A research note HPLC determination of caffeine and theobromine content of various natural and red dutched cocoas. J. Food Sci, 46:1986-9, 1981.
6. GERRITSMA, K.w. & KOERS, J. - Determination of theobromine in cocoa residues. Analyst, 4:201-5,1953.
7. HAMANN, Y.; TIS SE, C. & ESTIENNE, J. Etude de Ia teneur en théobromine par
chromatographie liquide haute performance des fêves de cacao. Ann. Fals. Exp. Chim., 828(6): 271-76, 1984.
8. HURST, w.r., SYNDER, P.S. & MARTIN JR., R.A. - Use of microbore high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of caffeine, theobromine and theophy1line in cocoa. J. Chromatogr., 318(2): 408-411,1985.
9. KREISER, W.R. & MARTIN JR., R.A. - High pressure liquid chromatographic determi-
nation of theobromine and caffeine in coco a and chocolate products: collaborative study. J. Assoc. off. Anal. Chem., 63(3):591-4,1980.
10. LOVE, L.J. - Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine in New Zealand Foods. Food Tecnology in New Zealand, January, 29-31, 1989.
11. MUHTADI, F.J.; EL-HAWARY, S.S. & HIFNAWY, M.S. - Comparative HPLC and
GLC determination of caffeine in different products. J. Liquid Chromatogr., 13(5): 10131028, 1990.
12. SÃO PAULO, InstitutoAdo1fo Lutz - Normas analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, V.1: Métodos químicos e físicos para análise de alimentos, 3ª ed., São Paulo, p. 175-7, 1985.
13. ZOUMAS, B.L.; KREISER, W.R. & MARTIN, R.A. - Theobromine and caffeine content of chocolate products. J. Food Sei., 45:314-16, 1980.
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