Forty two samples of desiccated coconut were analysed for their acidity, moisturc. fat and sucrose contentsandrancidity reaction, in order to verifyif they were in accordancewith Brazilian legislation. The samples were acquired in the market of SãoPaulo, Santos and SãoVicente cities, Brazil, and were taken out from 7 different marks, including "low", "rnedium" and "high fat content" and "sugary" desiccated coconut. Results showed that 95% of the samples were in disagreement with the sucrosepattem, 69%with the acidity,45%respect to the lipid content and 17%in relation to the moisture. None of the samples presented positive reaction far rancidity. lt was also analysed, for the same itens, 11 varieties of fresh coconut, in arder to get data about values naturally found in the fruits. The results indicate the necessity of a more intense fiscalization on this kind of product as well as a revision of Brazilian legal parameters, particuJarly with respect to the sucrose maximum limit.
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