Incidence of extraneous matter in cheese at free fairs of the City of São Paulo
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Extraneous matter
food safety
microscopic analysis

How to Cite

Correia M, Manuel Leal Germano P, José Roncada M. Incidence of extraneous matter in cheese at free fairs of the City of São Paulo. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1996 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];56(2):47-52. Available from:


East and SouthZones ofthe City ofSão Paulo, duringthe period ofMarch/93 to Februazy/94.Theywere analysed, in the Food Microscopy Section at theAdolfo Lutz Institute, Brazil, conceming presence of extraneous matters ourside, for what we made the washing and filtering ofthe samples, and inside, forwhat we used theAO.A.C. methodology, of enzymathic digestion ofthe sample with pancreatine, followed by filtering. The extraneous matters present in the filtering paper were identified and counted separately Conceming the place ofthe green fairs, for the internal analysis, the rcsults found in the analysis ofthe "mineiro" cheese samples coming ofthe West Zone presented remarkable differences from the other Zones ofthe City; WestZone's "mineiro" cheesc presented quite different results from "prato" and "rnussarela" cheeses. Conceming the seasons, there were not found remarkable diferences among them in the extemal analysis, in the ensemble of cheeses; conceming each type of cheese, the "mineiro" presented remarkable difference from the rest, in ali seasons ofthe year.
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