Presence of an endogenous laboratorial diagnosis evaluation of meningococcal disease by the Regional Laboratories of Instituto Adolfo Lutz
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Meningococcal disease
Meningococcal meningitis
diagnosis methods
cerebrospinal Fluid

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Mendes Moscardini Rocha M, Regina Novaes Ramires Esper M, Nogueira Neme S, Inês Cazentini Medeiros M, Ruivo Ferro e Silva R, Luiz Vicente Arreaza A, Ebner Filho W, A. Zago Castanheira de Almeida I, Georgina Bassi M, Araújo E. Presence of an endogenous laboratorial diagnosis evaluation of meningococcal disease by the Regional Laboratories of Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];58(1):33-9. Available from:


31,883 samples of cerebrospinal fluid were processed in the regionallaboratories of Campinas, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto, Santo André, Santos, São José do Rio Preto, and Sorocaba from 1989 to 1995. The methodology used for transport, inoculation and identification of ethiological agent was that recommended by the National Reference
Center for Meningitis, Instituto Adolfo Lutz , Health Ministry. A total of 1.748 positive cases of meningococcal meningitis were diagnosed. Ninety-one of these cases (5.20%) were defined only by bacterioscopy and 24 strains of Neisseria meningitidis (1.54%) were not serogrouped. Among the 1.630 strains of Neisseria meningitidis serogrouped, the most frequent group was B with 848 (52.02%) strains, followed by 743 (45.58%)C, 30 (1.84%) W135, 3 (0.18%) Y and 1 (0.06%) X. A noteworthy fact was the occurrence of 5 cases of meningococci of serogroup A exclusively diagnosed by the counterimmunoelectrophoresis reactions(CIE) The highest positivity was observed in culture (87,4%) followed by microscopy examination (75,%) and CIE (54,8%). The seasonal variation of the cases was as expected, with a higher incidence in winter. The improvement of the ethiological diagnosis and of surveillance actions of meningococcal disease was demonstrated by the progressive increase in number of cases diagnosed by laboratory, since 1989.
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