Honeydew honey differs of floral honey in sugar aspecto In order to check that, eleven honeydew honey and fourteen floral honey were analysed for frutose, glucose, sucrose, melezitose, erlose and rafinose by high performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detector. Differents mobille phases were tested to separate melezitose from erlose, both are trissacharides commonly found in honey. Honeydew honey presented less glucose content than honey and erlose was present in ali honeydew honey. Melezítose was not detected in floral honey samples.
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2. BONVEHI, J. S. Características físico-químicas. Composición de Ia miel de Eucalipto (Eucalyptus sp.) producida en Espana. Anales de Bromatologia, XLI-I, p41-56, 1989.
3. BACON, J. S. D. & DICKSON, B. Biochem. J. 1957,66,289 apud DONNER, W. L. The sugars of Honey - A review J. Sei. Food. Agric.v. 28, p. 443 - 456,1977.
4. BELLIARDO, F. & BUFFA, M. Identificacion of melezitose and erlose in floral and honeydew honeys. Carbohydrate Research, V. 71, p.335 -338, 1979.
5. CAMPOS, G. Melato no mel e sua determinação através de diferentes metodologias: Belo Horizonte, Escola de Veterinária-UFMG, 1998, 178 p. (Tese de Doutorado em Ciência Animal).
6. CHURMS, S. C. Recent progress in carbohydrate separation by high-performance liquid chromatography based on hydrophilic interation. Review. Journal of Chromatography, V. 720, p. 75-91, 1996.
7. DONER, W. L. The sugars of Honey - A review J. Sei. Food. Agric.v. 28, p. 443 - 456, 1977.
8. KIRKWOOD, K. C., MITCHELL, T. J., SMITH, D. An examination of the occurrence of honeydew in honey. Analyst, v.85, p. 412-416, 1960.
9. LEVIN, J. Estatística Aplicada a Ciências Humanas. Editora Harbra, 2 ed. 391pp, 1987.
10. SIDDIQUI, L R. The sugars of honey. Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. n. 25, p. 285 - 288, 1970.
11. STEFANELLI, c., NIOLA, L, VALLETRISCO, M. Possibilitá di Diferenziazone del miele de melata da quello florale mediante HPLC. Industrie Alimeruari. V. 28, p. 138 - 140, Febbraio, 1989.
12. WHITE Jr., J.W. Detection of Honey Adulteration By Carbohydrate Analysis. 1. Assoe. Off. Anal. Chem., v. 63, n.l , 1980.
13. WHITE Jr., J. W "The Hive and the Honey Bee", R. A. Grout, ed, Oadant and Sorns, Inc., Hamilton, Illinois, 1963, p. 369. apud SIDDIQUI, 1. R. The sugars of honey. Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. n. 25, p. 285 - 288, 1970.
14. WHITE Jr., 1. W. & MAHER, J. (1953). Transglucosidation by honey invertase. Archs. Biochem. Biophys. 48: 360-367 apud LOW, N. H., NELSON, D. L., SPORNS, P. Carbohydrate Analysis of Western Canadian Honeys and their Nectar Sources to Determine The Origin of honey oligosaccharides. Journal of Apicultural Research, v.27, n4, p. 245-251, 1988.
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