Nitratcs were determined in mineral water by standard addition and standard curve with the selective potentiometric electrode. The results were
compared with those obtained by the tech n ique of reduction in cadmium-column. The interference of chloride ions in the potentiometric methcd was also studied. The comparison showed similar resul ts of both methods but the selective electrode procedure seems to be more appropriate for routine determinations.
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3. BARRADO, E.; BERNAL, J.L. & DEBÁN, L. - Electrodo selectivo de nitratos. 11.
Aplicaciones. Afinidad, Espanha, 38:209-14, 1981.
4. BRINKHOFF, H.C. Analysís of the nitrate con.tan t of surface water and
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7. MILHAM, P.J.; AWAD, A.S.; PAULL, R.E. & BULL, J.H. - Analysis of plants, soils and waters for nitrate by using an ion-selective eletrode, Analyst, 95 :7'H-7, 1970.
8. PAUL, J.L. & CARLSON, R.M. Nitratedetermination in plant extracts by the
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9. SÃO PAULO. Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Normas analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lute.
v. 1: métodos químicos e físicos para análise de alimentos. 3ª edição. São Paulo, 1985.
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