Gas-liquid chromatography was employed in the identification and determination of the fatty acids contained in human milk fato A total of
113 samples were tested, of which 68 were of colostrum (from the 2nd to the 5th day of secretion) and 45 samples of mother's milk obtained from the 6th day to the 6th montIr of nursíng, In both types of samples the same fatty acids were identified: capric, lauric, miristic, miristoleic, palmitic, palmitoleic, C1J3iso, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenie, and gadoleic acids. Fatty acids with odd number of carbon atoms, Cm and Cl7 (margaric acid), were also identified as well as two peaks corresponding to unidentifoed fatty acids. The findings included: the colostrum samples showed higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids while the regular milk showed a greater amount of saturated acids. The essential fatty acids: linoleic and Iino lenic showed a higher mean (19%) content in the colostrum compared with the regular milk (15%). The colostrum contained less fat (average, Iess than 1%) tIran regular milk (average, 3%). These results agree with those
of othcr workers excep t for the essential acid, linoleic acid.
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