The occurrence of deoxynivalenol was shown by thin-layer chromatography in samples of com grain and wheat from various places of the city of São Paulo. Of 120 samples analysed, two had deoxynivalenol at levels of 183 ug/kg. The limit of DON determination is about 110 J.g/kg. Recoveries of DON added to wheat and com ranged from 80 to 100% and 75 to 100%, respectively. The coefficient of variation obtained with artificially contaminated samples was 11 % for both wheat and com.
1. CHANG, H.L.; DEVRIES, J.W.; LARSON, P.A. & PATEL, H.H. - Rapid determination of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) by liquid chromatography using modified Romer column cleanup. l.Assoc. off. anal . Chem. 67:52-4, 1984.
2. CÔTÉ,1.M.; NICOLLETTI, J.; SW ANSON, S.P. & BUCK, W.B. - Production of deepoxy deoxynivalenol (DOM-I), a metabolite of deoxynivalenol, by in vitro rumen incubation. J, agric. food Chem; 34:458-60, 1986.
3. EPPLEY, R.M.; TRUCKSESS, M.W.; NESHEIM, S.; THORPE, C.W.; WOOD, G.E. & POHLAND, A.E. - Deoxynivalenol winter wheat: thin layer chromatographic method and survey. l. Assoc. off. anal. Chem, 67:43-5, 1984.
4. FONSECA, H. - Contribuição e estudo de afia toxina no amendoim (Araehis hypogaea L.) da colheita à industrialização. Piracicaba 1969. 98p. [Tese livre docência - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queirós" - Universidade de São Paulo].
5. FORSYTH, D.M.; YOSHIZA WA, T.;MOROOKA, N. & TUITE, J. - Emetic and refusal activity of deoxynivalenolto swuine. Appl. environ, Microbiol., 34:547-52, 1977.
6. JOSEFSSON, E. & MOLLER, T.E. - Screening method for the detection of aflatoxins, ochratoxin, patulin, sterigmatocystin, and zearalenone in cereals. J, Assoc. off. anal, Chem., 60:1369-71, 1977.
7. KHERA, K.S.; ARNOLD, D.L.; WHALEN, C.; ANGERS. G. & SCOTT, P.M. - Vomitoxin (4-Deoxynivalenol): Effects on reproduction of mice and rats. Toxicolog. appl. Pharmacol.,74:345-56, 1984.
8. MIROCHA, cr, PATHRE, S. V.; SCHAUERHAMER, B. & CHRISTENSEN, C.M. - Natural occurrence of Fusarium toxins in feedstuff. Appl. Environ,
Microbiol., 32:553-6, 1976.
9. PATHRE, S.V. & MIROCHA, C.I. - Trichothecenes: natural occurrence and potential hazard. J. am. Oil Chem. Soc., 56:820-823, 1979.
10. PATTERSON, D.S.P. & ROBERTS, B.A. - Mycotoxins in animal feedstuffs: sensitive thin layer chromatographic detection of aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, sterigmatocystin, zearalenone, and T-2 toxin. I. Assoc. off. anal. Chem, 62: 1265-67, 1979.
11. PRADO, G. - Incidência de aflatoxina B1 em alimentos. Rev. Farm. Bioquim., 5: 147-57, 1983.
12. ROBERTS, B.A.; GLANCY, E.M. & PATTERSON, D.S.P. - Rapid, economical method for detennination of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in animal feedstuffs. J. Assoc. off. anal . Chem., 64:961 - 3, 1981.
13. SABINO, M. - Variações de níveis de aflatoxina B 1 em alimentos e rações animais no período de 1971 a 1979. Rev. Inst, Adolfo Lutz, 40:153-8, 1980.
14. SABINO, M. & CORRÊA, M.I.S. - Aflatoxina B1 em feijão. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 41:837-7, 1981.
15. SABINO, M.; INOMATA, E.I. & LAMARDO, L.C.A. - Variação dos níveis de aflatoxina B1 em pasta de amendoim e paçoca consumi das no Estado de São Paulo. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 42:39-44, 1982.
16. SCOTT. P.M. - Assessment of quantitative methods for determination of trichothecenes in grains and grain products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 65:876-83, 1982.
17. SCUSSEL, V.M. & RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA, D.B.Teores de aflatoxinas em amendoim e seus produtos comercializados em Campinas em 1980/82. Boi. Soe. bras. Ciênc. Tecnol. Alimen., Campinas, 19:109-19, 1985.
18. SCUSSEL V.M.; RODRIGUEZ -AMAYA, D.B. & SILVA, W.J. - Incidência de aflatoxina em milho (Zea mays L.) e em seus produtos derivados, comercializados na região de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment. 6:7585, 1986.
19. SOARES, L.M.V. & RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA, D.B.Survey of aflatoxins, Ochratoxin A, Zeralenone, and Sterigmatocystin in Some Brazilian Foods by Using Multi - toxin Thin-Layer Chromat.ographic Method. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 72:22-6, 1989.
20. STOLOFF, L. & SCOTT, P.M. - Natural poisons. In: ASSOCIA TION OF OFFICIAL ANAL YTICAL CHEMISTS - Offieial methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical chemists 14 th ed. Arlington, Virginia, A.O.A.C., 1984. p. 479 [item 26009].
21. TANAKA, T.; HASEGAWA, A.; YAMAMOTO, S.; LEE, U.S.; SUGIURA, Y. & UENO Y. - Worldwide contamination of cereals by the Fusarium mycotoxins nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. 1. Survey of 19 countries. J. agric. Food Chem., 36:979-83, 1988.
22. TERHUNE, S.I.; NGUYEN, N.V.; BAXTER, I.A.; PRYDE, D.H. & QURESHI, S.A. - Improved gas chromatographic method for quantitation of deoxynivalenol in wheat, com and feed. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 67:1102-04, 1984.
23. TRENHOLM, H.L.; COCHRANE, W.P.; COHEN, H,; ELLIOT, 1.1.; FARNWORTH, E.R.; FRIEND, D.W.; HAMILTON, R.M.G.; STANDISH, I.F. & THOMPSON, B.K. - Survey of vomitoxin contamination of 1980 Ontario white winter wheat crop: results of survey and feeding trials. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 66:92-7, 1983.
24. TRENHOLM, H.L.; THOMPSON, B.K.; HARTIN, K.E.; GREENHALGH, R. & McALLISTER, A.I. - Ingestion of vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol) contaminated wheat by nonlactaning dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 68:1000-5, 1985.
25. TRUCKSESS, M.W.; NESHEIM, S. & EPPLEY, R.M. - Thin-Iayer chromatographic determination of deoxynivalenol in wheat and com. J. Assoc.off. anal. Chem., 67:40-3, 1984.
26. VESONDER, R.F.; CIEGLER, A. & JENSEN, A.H. Isolation of the emetic principie from Fusarium infected com. Appl. Microbiol., 26:1008-10, 1973.
27. VESONDER, R.F.; CIEGLER, A.; JENSEN, A.H.; ROHWEDDER, W.K. & WEISLEDER, D. et alii Co-identity of the refusal and emetic principie from Fusarium infected com. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 31:280-5, 1976.
28. XU, YI-CHUN; ZHANG, G.S. & CHU, FUN S. Enzyme-Linked Imunosorbent assay for deoxynivalenol in com and wheat. I. Assoc, off. anal. chem., 71(5):945-9, 1988.
29. YOSHIZA WA, T. & MOROOKA, N. - Deoxynivalenol and its monoacetate: new mycotoxins from Fusarium roseum and moldy barley. Agric. biol. Chem., 37:2933-34, 1973.
30. YOSHIZAWA, T.; TAKEDA, H. & OHI, T. - Structure of a novel metabolite from deoxynivalenol, a trichothecene mycotoxin, in animals. Agric. Biol. Chem., 47: 2133-5, 1983.
31. YOUNG, I.C.; FULCIIER, R.G.; HAYHOE, I.H.; SCOTT, P.M. & DEXTER, I.E. - Effect of milling and baking on deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) content of eastem canadian wheats. J. agric. Food Chem.,32(3): 659-64, 1984.
2. CÔTÉ,1.M.; NICOLLETTI, J.; SW ANSON, S.P. & BUCK, W.B. - Production of deepoxy deoxynivalenol (DOM-I), a metabolite of deoxynivalenol, by in vitro rumen incubation. J, agric. food Chem; 34:458-60, 1986.
3. EPPLEY, R.M.; TRUCKSESS, M.W.; NESHEIM, S.; THORPE, C.W.; WOOD, G.E. & POHLAND, A.E. - Deoxynivalenol winter wheat: thin layer chromatographic method and survey. l. Assoc. off. anal. Chem, 67:43-5, 1984.
4. FONSECA, H. - Contribuição e estudo de afia toxina no amendoim (Araehis hypogaea L.) da colheita à industrialização. Piracicaba 1969. 98p. [Tese livre docência - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queirós" - Universidade de São Paulo].
5. FORSYTH, D.M.; YOSHIZA WA, T.;MOROOKA, N. & TUITE, J. - Emetic and refusal activity of deoxynivalenolto swuine. Appl. environ, Microbiol., 34:547-52, 1977.
6. JOSEFSSON, E. & MOLLER, T.E. - Screening method for the detection of aflatoxins, ochratoxin, patulin, sterigmatocystin, and zearalenone in cereals. J, Assoc. off. anal, Chem., 60:1369-71, 1977.
7. KHERA, K.S.; ARNOLD, D.L.; WHALEN, C.; ANGERS. G. & SCOTT, P.M. - Vomitoxin (4-Deoxynivalenol): Effects on reproduction of mice and rats. Toxicolog. appl. Pharmacol.,74:345-56, 1984.
8. MIROCHA, cr, PATHRE, S. V.; SCHAUERHAMER, B. & CHRISTENSEN, C.M. - Natural occurrence of Fusarium toxins in feedstuff. Appl. Environ,
Microbiol., 32:553-6, 1976.
9. PATHRE, S.V. & MIROCHA, C.I. - Trichothecenes: natural occurrence and potential hazard. J. am. Oil Chem. Soc., 56:820-823, 1979.
10. PATTERSON, D.S.P. & ROBERTS, B.A. - Mycotoxins in animal feedstuffs: sensitive thin layer chromatographic detection of aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, sterigmatocystin, zearalenone, and T-2 toxin. I. Assoc. off. anal. Chem, 62: 1265-67, 1979.
11. PRADO, G. - Incidência de aflatoxina B1 em alimentos. Rev. Farm. Bioquim., 5: 147-57, 1983.
12. ROBERTS, B.A.; GLANCY, E.M. & PATTERSON, D.S.P. - Rapid, economical method for detennination of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in animal feedstuffs. J. Assoc. off. anal . Chem., 64:961 - 3, 1981.
13. SABINO, M. - Variações de níveis de aflatoxina B 1 em alimentos e rações animais no período de 1971 a 1979. Rev. Inst, Adolfo Lutz, 40:153-8, 1980.
14. SABINO, M. & CORRÊA, M.I.S. - Aflatoxina B1 em feijão. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 41:837-7, 1981.
15. SABINO, M.; INOMATA, E.I. & LAMARDO, L.C.A. - Variação dos níveis de aflatoxina B1 em pasta de amendoim e paçoca consumi das no Estado de São Paulo. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 42:39-44, 1982.
16. SCOTT. P.M. - Assessment of quantitative methods for determination of trichothecenes in grains and grain products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 65:876-83, 1982.
17. SCUSSEL, V.M. & RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA, D.B.Teores de aflatoxinas em amendoim e seus produtos comercializados em Campinas em 1980/82. Boi. Soe. bras. Ciênc. Tecnol. Alimen., Campinas, 19:109-19, 1985.
18. SCUSSEL V.M.; RODRIGUEZ -AMAYA, D.B. & SILVA, W.J. - Incidência de aflatoxina em milho (Zea mays L.) e em seus produtos derivados, comercializados na região de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment. 6:7585, 1986.
19. SOARES, L.M.V. & RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA, D.B.Survey of aflatoxins, Ochratoxin A, Zeralenone, and Sterigmatocystin in Some Brazilian Foods by Using Multi - toxin Thin-Layer Chromat.ographic Method. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 72:22-6, 1989.
20. STOLOFF, L. & SCOTT, P.M. - Natural poisons. In: ASSOCIA TION OF OFFICIAL ANAL YTICAL CHEMISTS - Offieial methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical chemists 14 th ed. Arlington, Virginia, A.O.A.C., 1984. p. 479 [item 26009].
21. TANAKA, T.; HASEGAWA, A.; YAMAMOTO, S.; LEE, U.S.; SUGIURA, Y. & UENO Y. - Worldwide contamination of cereals by the Fusarium mycotoxins nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. 1. Survey of 19 countries. J. agric. Food Chem., 36:979-83, 1988.
22. TERHUNE, S.I.; NGUYEN, N.V.; BAXTER, I.A.; PRYDE, D.H. & QURESHI, S.A. - Improved gas chromatographic method for quantitation of deoxynivalenol in wheat, com and feed. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 67:1102-04, 1984.
23. TRENHOLM, H.L.; COCHRANE, W.P.; COHEN, H,; ELLIOT, 1.1.; FARNWORTH, E.R.; FRIEND, D.W.; HAMILTON, R.M.G.; STANDISH, I.F. & THOMPSON, B.K. - Survey of vomitoxin contamination of 1980 Ontario white winter wheat crop: results of survey and feeding trials. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 66:92-7, 1983.
24. TRENHOLM, H.L.; THOMPSON, B.K.; HARTIN, K.E.; GREENHALGH, R. & McALLISTER, A.I. - Ingestion of vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol) contaminated wheat by nonlactaning dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 68:1000-5, 1985.
25. TRUCKSESS, M.W.; NESHEIM, S. & EPPLEY, R.M. - Thin-Iayer chromatographic determination of deoxynivalenol in wheat and com. J. Assoc.off. anal. Chem., 67:40-3, 1984.
26. VESONDER, R.F.; CIEGLER, A. & JENSEN, A.H. Isolation of the emetic principie from Fusarium infected com. Appl. Microbiol., 26:1008-10, 1973.
27. VESONDER, R.F.; CIEGLER, A.; JENSEN, A.H.; ROHWEDDER, W.K. & WEISLEDER, D. et alii Co-identity of the refusal and emetic principie from Fusarium infected com. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 31:280-5, 1976.
28. XU, YI-CHUN; ZHANG, G.S. & CHU, FUN S. Enzyme-Linked Imunosorbent assay for deoxynivalenol in com and wheat. I. Assoc, off. anal. chem., 71(5):945-9, 1988.
29. YOSHIZA WA, T. & MOROOKA, N. - Deoxynivalenol and its monoacetate: new mycotoxins from Fusarium roseum and moldy barley. Agric. biol. Chem., 37:2933-34, 1973.
30. YOSHIZAWA, T.; TAKEDA, H. & OHI, T. - Structure of a novel metabolite from deoxynivalenol, a trichothecene mycotoxin, in animals. Agric. Biol. Chem., 47: 2133-5, 1983.
31. YOUNG, I.C.; FULCIIER, R.G.; HAYHOE, I.H.; SCOTT, P.M. & DEXTER, I.E. - Effect of milling and baking on deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) content of eastem canadian wheats. J. agric. Food Chem.,32(3): 659-64, 1984.

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