Evaluation of moisture/protein ratio in sausage (hot dog), with soybean texturized protein, before and after canning
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canned sausage (hot dog), soybean texturized protein
canned sausage (hot dog), moisture/protein ratio
canned (hot dog), legislation

How to Cite

Tavares M, Lobanco CM, Carvalho JB de, Mello MRP do A, Anraku TY, Bottezelli SR. Evaluation of moisture/protein ratio in sausage (hot dog), with soybean texturized protein, before and after canning. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1989 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];49(2):213-8. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36958


The water addition in the manufacture of emulsioned products, as the sausage (hot dog), is technologically necessary, but if in excess compromits the nutritive val ue of the product, besides it miss to attend the Brazilian legis1ation, which since 1962 fies the moisture/protein ratio (M/P) in 3,50: 1,00; before canning. Considering the fact that since 1978 it was permited the addition of soybean texturized protein (STP) in meat products, lhe present work had as principal objective to eva1uate the ratio M/P in sausage samples, with lhe following contents of STP: zero, 9,0, 15,0 and 22,5%, in hydrated basis, before and after canning during 150 days. The results showed that the M/P ratio varied from 3,57 to 5,32; 3,80 to 5,87; 3,78 to 5,98 and 3,85 to 5,77, respectivelly, for each formulation, reaching the
relativo equilibrium after 15 days canning. Concluding, the authors propose the alteration for the M/P ratio value, before canning, from 3,50:1,00 to 4,00: 1,00, and for canned inlaid, valucs bctwcen 5,00 and 6,00: 1,00.

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