The stability of β-carotene in vitamin-enriched flour foods
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flour foods, B-carotene determination
B-carotene in flour foods, determination

How to Cite

Sabino M, Inomata EI, Pregnolatto W. The stability of β-carotene in vitamin-enriched flour foods. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1979 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];39(1):55-9. Available from:


A spectrophotometric method was employed for determining th e B-carotene content of 100 vitamin-added samples of flour foods of which 50 samples were sernolí na faods and 50 samples of egg-added f'lour foods. Possible in terfuring substances were investigated by ascending papel' chrorna tog raphy. The results obtained indicated a loss of B-carotene due to boiling which amounted to 74% and 37% respec tively, for the semolina mass and th e "egg-added flour food". It is
concluded that the main role of B-carotene in these products was to act as a dye rather than as p ro-vitarnin A.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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